Tag Archives: 50 mile race

The Big Day is Finally Here!

Today for my 44 I did a simple move – reverse hip thrusters.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1KAH_Ty5Ag’]

I didn’t get much height from my hips – sort-of in conserve mode.

Screen shot 2013-10-11 at 9.16.59 PMIt’s finally the day.  Instead of eating dinner with my family tonight, I will be standing on the starting line for my first ultra race!!!  

Check out the awesome signs that Stacy (my super incredible sis-in-law) and Hays & Isabel made – Hayes

IsabelleHaysIsabelleStacy sent a text with  those this morning – one of the many times I wish we lived closer so they were actually here!!!  And, yes, already cried today!!!

By the time I do my next 44 and make my next post, I will have run 50 miles!!!

I just need to finish getting all of my gear together.

  • compression socks x3
  • knuckle lights – so cool, can’t wait to run with them
  • head lamp – not as cool, probably gonna give me a killer bruise on my head
  • camelbacks x2 – added a 2nd one yesterday so that I can just switch out
  • Hershey bars
  • orange slices
  • a few bags of the energy jelly beans
  • DOTS – chewy candy
  • Gymboss timer – I’m going with the run/walk and don’t want to have to think about it or keep up with it and thanks to my timer I don’t have to
  • Sony headphone walkman
  • GPS – I’m not going to obsess over my pace but I want to know my exact time and distance
  • extra clothes – jackets, tights, rain ponchos, shorts, shirts, sports bras….
  • foam roller – for the 100 mile drive home after!
  • camera
  • phone
  • extra batteries

Sheesh – I should just go ahead and carry my laptop with all that other stuff.  Good thing I don’t have to carry it all with me – some will be with Chris for various stops.  

I would like to say that I will be tweeting while I’m out there but we all know I am the most lame twitter user ever.  Feel free to send me tweets if you find yourself awake in the middle of the night!!!

One final check of my stuff and then a bit of relaxing before we head out.

Happy Saturday – see you in 50 miles!!!Screen shot 2013-10-11 at 9.28.05 PM


It’s a Blizzard!!

7:30 am (snow started around 6:30 or 6:45 I think)

Snow day here is Kansas!!  (Actually, the city basically cancelled everything last night before the snow even started just based on the forecast – surprisingly the weather predictions were all true.)  Boys are out of school and the base even shut down so Chris is home!!!

For my 43 I went old school!!  I used my transfirmer step and did a “tall-box climb”

14" double step (the Transfirmer)
14″ double step (the Transfirmer)

while holding 12 pound dumbbells.  (This is a move that I got from the Firm DVDs – it is one of their signature moves.)  Standing behind the step, you step up with your right foot then your left foot and then step down with you right foot then left = 1 rep.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrfAA0wYeeM’]

I did 43 with my right leg leading and 43 with my left leg leading.  Great quad/butt work and my heart rate went up quit a bit (the weights really add to the move).

Then, while my legs were already a bit fatigued (21 x 1 minute wall-sits today + the tall-box climb!!!) I decided to start experimenting with a run-walk (more like jog-walk) pattern for my 50 mile race (in October).

For those who know me at all, walking is usually not part of my training.  Actually, I don’t like to jog that much either – I just want to run!!  However, I know that if I don’t train correctly and just go into the race like an idiot it won’t be pretty.  I know that running and walking use the leg muscles differently and I want to have lots of experience going back and forth between the 2 before October.

Today I started with a 10 minute jog followed by a 5 minute walk.  After 2 sets of that I decided that I don’t want to walk half the time.  I switched to a 7.5 minute jog with a 2.5 minute walk for the next half hour.  I think I might like that pattern.  Over the next few months I will start training for several hours at a time like that and see.

I also need to play around with my hydration and eating.  I’m pretty much a water only drinker (except my evening happy hour!) so I need to try some of the electrolyte drinks.  Screen shot 2013-02-21 at 10.49.28 AM Screen shot 2013-02-21 at 10.49.48 AM

So many choices!!!  And I have never really been one to fuel while running – I know it’s not good to go hours without anything but I do!  I’m going to have to play around with all the options for snacks, too!

Screen shot 2013-02-21 at 10.50.02 AM


My preference would beScreen shot 2013-02-21 at 10.51.14 AMHigh school track meets I lived on Hershey bars and oranges!!  It was great!! (or maybe not that great but…)

Anyway, I figure I better get some of this figured out between now and mid-October!

Here is a fun little snow video if you like snow (me – not so much!!).

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IR41H4pFxLE’]

(That would be Jordan and I talking during it!)

same shot as the 7:30 at about 10:30
snow is slowing down!!

I know y’all are jealous if you don’t have snow like this!  I’m in hibernation mode till it stops and the roads are clear!!

back deck

The back deck shows how much it has drifted in some places!  Good thing we don’t need to get out there for any reason.

Happy Thursday!!  Happy snow day!


50-mile race, Firm in February, 5th graders & Fun Friday!!!

The letter of the day is F!!!

My 43 was an alternating lateral lunge with 5 pound dumbbells that I picked up one on rep and put back down on the next rep.  (Picking up and putting down the weights is a great way to make sure that you get maximum benefits from the lunge because it forces you to get low!)  I counted a right lunge and left lunge as 1 – so it was 43 lunges on each side!

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRsW4MVzmWY’]

(Poor planning on my part – early morning and no video so I got Chris up at 6:15 when I finished my work-out so he could make a demo before I showered!)  He got to sleep in because he is off today – I was up at 5:00!!!!

The rest of my work-out was Les Mills Combat.  I doubled up today!!  I started with HIIT Power – always brutal!!! Then I did Combat 30 – good but easier than the first!!

Registration opened up today (and I signed up this morning!!!) for the Heartland Ultra-marathon!!  There is a 100 mile race and a 50 mile.  I’m just going to do the 50 (hopefully next year I will be ready for the 100!).  The race isn’t until October but I wanted to sign-up on day 1!  WooHoo – 50 miles!!!  (Anyone want to pace some miles on October 12, 2013?  Let me know!!)

Screen shot 2013-02-01 at 7.42.35 AM

For the short month of February, I thought it would be fun to add in a challenge move every day.   I love all of the challenges that different people offer in the blog world but it is hard for me to follow them completely in addition to doing my own work-outs and running.  I decided to just do something new for myself by picking 1 move and doing it each day in the month of February for the # of reps that goes along with the day of the month.

My move – Wall Sit for 1 minute!!!  DSCN2617

Look – I can even do it after my shower.  Really, that was my whole idea – something that I could just do at different times in the day not just during my sweaty work-out.  By the end of the month it will have to be at a lot of different times of the day – no way will I be doing 28 minutes worth all at the same time!!!

If you decide to pick a move of the month and play along let me know!!!  We could motivate each other!

Today I have a full day of 5th grade!!!  Reading, math, science, social studies……Friday!

So many things (all starting with F) – but one of the best – Fun Friday!!!!

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7o1dJqRpmP8′]

Have a great Fun Friday!!!


Let me know if you want to play along on the daily February move!!!