The 44 today was one of those moves that seems like it’s going to be fairly easy until you start and then you realize that it is a challenge!!! I did a torso rotation with a dumbbell (12 pounds) on the stability ball.

On the rotation, the goal is to keep your head and shoulder on the ball.

I counted a right and left rotation as 1 rep. This move is great for your core and also your shoulders and upper back!!! 44 reps were more than enough for me to feel this (for the rest of the day!!).
Today I pulled out a DVD that I haven’t done in awhile – one of my TaeBo workouts – Billy’s Bootcamp, Ultimate BootCamp. This workout is 55 minutes long and it works every inch of your body!!! There is plenty of cardio and plenty of toning using these bands –

The nice (if you want to call it that) thing about these bands is you can add a weight in the handles (1 pound in each). Today I used them without weights and that was plenty of resistance for this workout!!! In fact, I struggled with some of the moves to complete all of the reps!!
Colloquialism – what an odd word. But when you think about the definition of the word it is appropriate because a lot of our sayings come across as odd to other people.
Yesterday I was talking to Jordan about his day and he started making fun of a couple of the things that I say all the time so I thought it would be interesting to see if y’all say the same things or what you say that is different.
My top 2 colloquial sayings:
I have said this for as long as I can remember. It is a natural phrase for me and I always forget that most people here in Kansas (and elsewhere) don’t use it.
When I was in grad school I was sitting outside on a bench one day waiting for a friend so we could go running. Another friend walked past – here is how the conversation went:
Him: Hi, Kim. What are you doing?
Me: I’m fixin’ to go for a run.
Him: You mean you’re getting ready to run?
Me: No – I’m already ready (running clothes on, shoes on, stretched). I’m fixin’ to go.
He just sort of looked at me and walked off – weird!!!
My other common saying –
This phrase makes perfect sense to me but apparently not to most people. I get lots of comments when people here me say this.
I spent 5 years working in the office at the boys elementary school after both boys were in school. When we did monthly fire drills, I was the one who stayed in the office and kept the timer, shut the drill down and then called everyone (over the intercom) back to their classes.
The very first fire drill we had I got on the intercom and said – “All y’all can return to your class rooms now.” When the principal (we are actually good friends) came into the office he looked at me, shook his head and said, “Really?!”
It took me a few minutes to figure out what he was talking about. Then he said – “All Y’all?!”
So, those are 2 of my common sayings that very few people around me (since I’m not in TX anymore!) say or get.
Do you say fixin’ or all y’all?
What are some things you say that earn you weird looks or comments?
Happy Wednesday!!