Today’s 44 was fun because I walked around while I did it (trying to get 10,000 steps on my FitBit you know!!!). I used my medicine ball with a handle –
![8 pouncs](
With the medicine ball, I did single arm bicep curls while walking!
![right arm](
![left arm](
I know – the mirror pictures are pretty pitiful!!! But walking around while curling was a fun way to make the 44 on each side go quickly!!
Today is my 2nd day in a row to take a break from working out – rare for me to take more than 1 day at a time but I figured I needed to make sure I recovered from Friday’s 37 mile run – so 2 days now instead of risking injury and having to skip lots of days!!!
Sometimes I need to step back and remind myself of all the things in my life that make it super!
* My top 3 super things –
![my boys](
![Look how little they are - Jordan is about 5 here](
* Even though Kansas isn’t my top choice of places to live (especially in the winter!!!), we have a beautiful home that is always warm!!!
![side view when the color were pretty](
* The ability to run and workout!!!
![running 37 miles and actually feeling good is pretty super!!](
* Being able to have friends over for a low-key Super Bowl party always makes my day super!!! Having a taco bar and Texas Margaritas – can’t beat it!
* Knowing that in just a few months I will be spending time in my happy place –
* And, being part of an incredible blogging community make me feel like – My version of the “super” dance!!!
What is SUPER in your life today?
Happy Super Sunday!!