Tag Archives: Body Rock

Exercise: Fun or Dreaded?

Today’s 43 really made me push myself!!  I did plank rows – which means I stayed in the plank position while I did 43 rows with each arm (for a total of 86 rows)!!

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1A631XqSoj4′]

I wanted to maximize the core work so I tried to keep my body as still as possible during the rows – not easy!!! (but done)

Today was Combat 60 Live – Ultimate Warrior (fun, fun, fun!!!) which is part of the Les Mills Combat program.  I sort-of wish that particular work-out was even longer than an hour – so much fun and yet when I finish  I always  know that I have gotten a great work-out!

I’m forcing myself to take a week or two off of running to see if my Achilles will heal up.  I have had Achilles  problems Screen shot 2013-02-25 at 10.27.38 AM (not that kind of Achilles!!!) since grad school and my days of heavy road racing – it comes and goes but usually if I will give it a bit of a break I can push on through!

I tried a quick new work-out today – LOVED it!!!  I did work-out #1 on Zuzana’s (from BodyRock) new DVD series.

  • 10 burpees (touch your stomach to the ground each time then jump into the air at the top)
  • 10 tuck jumps
  • 10 burpees
  • 20 jumping lunges
  • 10 burpees
  • 30 kick ups (start in crab position & kick legs up – one right & one left = 1)
  • 10 burpees
  • 40 jack kicks (jack your feet out then in, kick leg high to the side – alt. legs)
  • 10 burpees
  • 10 burpees

Next time I think I will set my own timer – I stuck with Zuzana today but I had some down time and I would rather push the whole time!!  Either way – less than 10 minutes to a great work-out!

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Do you enjoy your work-outs or are they just something to be endured so you can check it off the list?Screen shot 2013-02-25 at 10.43.57 AM

People that know me know I love to exercise.  I don’t know if I’ve ever said I “have” to work out.  Usually, if I have a day where I feel like that, it means I need a day off!!

But, I’ve had many people say, “I wish I liked to work out like you do.”  Why???  Don’t work-out like me if you hate it!!  Find something that YOU  like!  Screen shot 2013-02-25 at 10.42.05 AM

Anytime someone tells me they wished they liked to run or lift weights, I always ask them what they do like to do.  If it’s not something you like then it will just be work!!! I don’t ever swim for exercise because I hate swimming (I think the pool or lake should just be used to cool off while tanning).  If that were to be my work-out I would dread every second of it and it wouldn’t benefit me much at all.

I always feel bad when I can tell someone is going to the gym just because they feel like they “should.”  Even with my boys, I would love them to be runners but I don’t think they really enjoy it – no problem, but find something you   like and do it!!

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I know that MizFit is a big advocate for making fitness fun – she calls it Playout (instead of workout – get it?).  I love her approach to making it FUN!!!

So, any of you who dread your work-out times, maybe it’s time to make a change!  Make it fun so you will enjoy it (or at least not dread it!!).

Happy Monday!


Shorts in January = Happy, Happy, Happy!!!

Today’s 43 was HARD!!  It was a push-up using 4 medicine balls.Medicine Balls

(Mine aren’t all the same size but it works out OK!)  I have 2 – 8 pound balls that are the same size, 1 – 9 pound ball and another 8 pound ball with handles.

The first challenge with this move is trying to balance yourself on the 4 balls – each hand and foot gets a ball!  Then – do the push-up!

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcGnoJl6DPM’]

I managed to get through all 43 but I had to stop and stretch about 5 times!  Of course, each stretch break meant I had to rebalance myself!  Fun!!  (BTW – I got this move from P90X2.)

After the push-up fun, I did Les Mills Combat Combat 60 – Ultimate Fighter.  I love how hard I feel like I’ve worked when this one is done!  I was going to try one of my new Zuzka (from Body Rock) DVDs – I did about 10 minutes and then decided that it was crazy not to take advantage of the warmer weather and go out for a run.

Shorts – I ran in shorts!!!!  January 28 in Kansas and I ran in shorts!!!  I can’t even begin to describe how happy that makes me!  (It is supposed to get to 70 today but even the 50 that I just ran in was AWESOME!!!)

I only did an easy 2.1 miles (8:00 min/pace).  It wasn’t really about running hard – just enjoying the gorgeous day!

Screen shot 2013-01-27 at 1.56.53 PMI saw this ecard and thought it was funny (with some truth even though I don’t actually count calories)!!!  I’m pretty sure if I have saw how many burpees it would take to burn off some of favorite things I might quit having them – Nah, I would probably just quit reading the label!!!

Happy Monday – I hope everyone has beautiful weather to enjoy!
