Today’s 44 was a combo move (my favorite kind of exercise!). The lower body was just a plie hold and the upper body was a lateral raise.

Lateral raises are hard for me (shoulders are my weakest area!!!) so I only used 5 pound dumbbells. I felt the burn in my quads and inner thighs by the time I finished all 44 reps.
Today I did something I rarely do – I ran for the 2nd day in a row!!! There really is a lot to be said for running easier!!! Yesterday I ended up running 13.1 miles (1:46.20) with 1.3 easy to finish it off. Today I did 7 miles (59:36) with an easy cool down mile.
I’m sure we’ve all heard the phrase – “Clothes make the man/woman/child.” Is this really true?
I think that I’m the same person no matter what I have on – a formal dress, jeans, or sweaty running stuff. But I do wonder if unconsciously we act different in different types of clothes.
Are we more confident when we are all dressed up? I think that I actually feel the most confident when I’m in my workout clothes!!! Of course, that could just be what I tell myself since that is my normal dress code these days!!!
I also started wondering if we are more productive based on how we dress.
In the winter I pretty much live in fleece!!!

Does being so comfortable make me less productive? Or am I more productive because I’m comfortable?
I used to dress up every day and I still have a closet full of nice clothes and shoes and all the accessories required to pull it all together. Maybe I should try a test since a lot of days I can get my work done from home and see if dressing up makes me more productive!!!
Besides running things in our home, I work semi-full time with our business – cleaning, doing set-ups, showing the venue, paperwork, marketing, etc. All of those tasks require different attire – I can’t wear my cleaning clothes (workout gear) when I do showings and vice-versa. Since a lot of the work is done at home it really doesn’t matter what I look like – or does it?!
Do you think that there is anything to the saying – Clothes make the woman?
What about – Dress for success?
Do you dress up even if you are just going to be home most of the day?
Happy Tuesday!!!