Tag Archives: core

A Retirement Tribute

Today for my 43 I worked my abs (silly since the rest of my workout was very ab/core heavy!!).  I used my band – 

Turbo Fire Band
Turbo Fire Band

With the band – I did a bicycle counting a right twist and a left twist as 1 rep.  The resistance of the band adds a nice little extra to the standard bicycle crunch.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZZS5XrQhEw’]

After that, I did my 3rd round of the Climbing Everest challenge (from Taylor @ Lifting Revolution).  Today instead of doing 1000 total reps, I did 1500.  Instead of 7 sets of 100 mountain climbers, I did 7 sets of 150.  And the 6 other moves that are normally 50, I made 75.  Yikes – that really made this a difficult workout!!  

Tuesday – 1000 reps – 14:13
Thursday – 1000 reps – 12:23
Saturday – 1500 reps – 19:13

Yesterday was not a beach day – we had much better things today!!

Screen shot 2013-07-27 at 8.31.09 AMThe main reason that we picked Bradenton Beach, FL for our vacation this year was because some of our long-time friends recently moved here and yesterday was DP’s retirement from the Air Force. Screen shot 2013-07-27 at 8.30.50 AM

We first met the Page family when Chris and DP were in pilot training together in Lubbock, TX.  They started off flying the T-37 Tweet – Screen shot 2013-07-27 at 8.32.26 AM

The next plane that they both flew was the T-1.  They were both planning to be “heavy” pilots (not fighter pilots).Screen shot 2013-07-27 at 8.33.52 AM

After Pilot Training, the Pages moved to Oklahoma and DP flew the E-3 AWACS – Screen shot 2013-07-27 at 8.35.11 AM

Later in his career, he flew the RC-135 (an air refueler – Chris flies the KC-135) – 

the 135 is the gray one in the middle
the 135 is the gray one in the middle

For 22 years, DP has served our country!  He has been deployed numerous times and has been involved in 1000s of missions  both during war-time and peace-time.  


Screen shot 2013-07-27 at 8.20.38 AM

The retirement was a great time to honor DP and for him to share about the family and friends that have supported he and his family during his career.

Throughout DP’s incredible military career, his wife (Erica) has been the most supportive military wife possible.  She has survived numerous deployments, moves all over the place (even other countries), raised their 2 boys (often as a single mom) and done it all without ever complaining!!!Daryl & Erica

The Page family is a true example of a family that has given themselves 100% to our country!!!DSCN3611

Plus, they are just amazing people!!  They are the kind of friends that if you need something (anything)  you call them!  We have taken several trips to Hawaii with them, visited their home and hosted them in our home – every time we are together is always a fun experience and plenty of great memories are created.  (It helps that their 2 boys and our 2 are close in age and all get along!)

Congratulations DP & Erica!!  We are proud to be your friends and love all of the times we have shared together!!!  We’re looking forward to tons of new memories (on the beach!!)!

Happy Saturday!


Guest Post – A Father’s Perspective

Today’s 43 was a move for the abs that I got from Rachelle at Livin the Sweat Life.  She did a great ab workout made up of 4 moves (with an awesome video – go check it out!!!).  I did the Caterpillar.

Sit with your legs off the ground hands behind you for support and crunch legs in and out.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czvKczmhOXw’]

I enjoyed this 43!!!  I love to work my abs but this gave the rest of my body a little break!!

Today was the last time (during this cycle, anyway) for Strength from Insanity Asylum.  I tried to really push myself to increase the weight and the number of reps today.  Glad that I only have 1 workout today!!!

Chris & his sons
Chris & his sons

In honor of Father’s Day, I have a guest post today – the best Dad I know – Chris!!!

What an Intro!  Kim continues to amaze me everyday when I read what workout(s) she tirelessly completes.  I hope all the readers out there understand that Kim will have accomplished a feat rarely achieved or sought (at least by us mortals), by performing a workout with repetitions numbering her age everyday for a year.  Hopefully, most believe this to be crazy admirable like me…  🙂Screen shot 2013-06-16 at 9.57.21 AM

Kim asked if I wanted to make a post on Fathers Day.  Of course, I jumped at the chance to participate in her blog (since I seem to conveniently skip miss doing MY age everyday)!    

I hope to briefly describe what Fathers day means to me – and I promise not to make anyone PLANK for 5 minutes on a ball while you read!Screen shot 2013-06-16 at 9.51.10 AM

A few incredible events occurred in my life that changed my outlook and perspective forever.  First, marrying a remarkable woman like Kim transposed my priorities while giving me someone I could call my best friend.  Next, the birth of our two boys could be considered our two greatest accomplishments!  Screen shot 2013-06-16 at 10.32.07 AM

Although far from being a perfect dad, I reflect upon this quote frequently.  I have experienced many proud moments gained from Fatherhood; like hearing the first cry at birth, the first steps walking, riding a bike, catching a ball, blowing out candles, or shaking hands like an adult.  Seeing these two young innocent boys turn into men of character that enjoy talking and spending time around us, opening doors for people, helping set the table or wash dishes unsolicited brings a pride, enjoyment, and satisfaction that a Father dreams to experience.  

I observe these two happy boys and their daily growth into manhood with humility, knowing that I may be incapable of answering, solving, or helping them through every situation life brings their way.  But hopefully, I somehow impart upon them enough necessary skills for critical thinking and treatment of others that guides their future decisions.   

I relish the simple moments with each boy – whether its Jordan sneaking up on me and scaring me out of my wits, or seeing Hunter swish a basketball from 16 feet.  Through their adolescence, I benefited by reliving my childhood in playing with toys again!  While I know at some point I will watch them depart as adults, the joys will never end and I seek solace hoping I gave them a positive example to follow.  Even though today is officially Fathers Day, I celebrate every day being a Father to these two boys!

Kim always ends with a question – so I have one as well.

Does anyone have a special memory about their Father they would like to share?


Happy Sunday and Father’s Day to all the Dads, Grandpas, Step-Dads, Surrogate Dads and special guys!!!


Overtime Nearly did me in!!!

Today I did a little core work for my 43.  I did a standing side bend right-left then a twist right-left.  

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8YDw8T8Oqs’]

On these, it didn’t really matter which side went first since they both got equal work during the moves, but I did switch at #22 and go left-right.  This was a good 43 – lately I feel like my core needs extra work (maybe cause I’ve been wearing my bikini?!).

6 am Boot Camp was fun today!!  And, because it was over 95 yesterday and stayed warm all night long, the grass wasn’t wet – bonus!!!!  

Screen shot 2013-06-12 at 9.05.02 AMThen, it was time for Insanity Asylum – Game Day.  This is the one where you do moves/drills/craziness from every sport imaginable for 60 minutes!!!  It is hard and during the last 15 minutes when it was time for Rock Climbing I truly thought I wasn’t going to make it – YIKES!!!  

Rock Climbing Insanity style:

  • 1 minute of forward moving plank jacks – feet jump in the agility ladder and then out while hands are jumping to (hard to explain in my current state!!! Just know that it is brutal!)
  • 2 minutes of lateral push-ups – move right hand down close to your right side for a push-up then put it back in normal position and repeat on left side for 2 long minutes!!Screen shot 2013-06-12 at 8.51.51 AM
  • 1 minute of the plank jacks with the added fun of a triceps push-up
  • 2 minutes of single leg lateral push-ups – similar to above but when your right hand is the hand that moves you lift your right leg, 2 on each side then switch – for 2 long minutesScreen shot 2013-06-12 at 8.53.34 AM

After I finished the madness of Game Day, I still had a little more to do because today also had Overtime on the schedule (and you know I’m doing the whole insane program).

Screen shot 2013-06-12 at 8.56.32 AMI knew this was going to be a brutal 15 minutes from the very beginning – it was just Shaun T and 2 guys (both military hard bodies) – none of the females from the other workouts did this – WITH GOOD REASON!!!!

There were moves that I’ve never seen before – and I’m happy that I didn’t kill myself trying them!!!  

*  Mountain Climber with a clap when you switch legs
*  Full lunge with back knee down – spring up into the airScreen shot 2013-06-12 at 9.03.43 AM*  Some crazy single leg push-up then you hop in (on the single leg) – hop back and move sideways for the next push-up
* and more “fun” but I can’t even remember them now!!!

All I can say is – I’m glad that I don’t have to do any thing else that requires a lot of strength or energy today (except run kids around, go to swim beach, make dinner, a load of laundry……).

Here is a brief glimpse into Insanity Asylum:

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FN5FYAREiWE&feature=youtu.be’]

Now – I need to get going on a fun-filled summer day!!!  

Happy Wednesday!!!



Going from 0 to 100 Might Qualify me for an Idiot Award!!

Today’s 43 was a great one to work on balance!  I did a single leg, bent-over row.

Start on your right side (or left – whichever you want to do first!!):

Right leg first
Right leg first (blurry)

Then row (keep leg up for all reps):

squeeze shoulder blades
squeeze shoulder blades

After completing all reps (43 for me!) then you get to switch legs and start over!!

time for the left side
time for the left side

(Can you tell these pictures were all after I was completely done and showered – dressed for a day of PE – and totally rocking my lovely compression stockings!!)

I got up at 5:00 to do my work-out because I’m an idiot subbing PE today.  I struggled through my entire 43 and workout today.  I did a SELF DVD – Trim and Tone Fast.  It was a fine workout – 60 minutes with a warm-up plus the following 6 sections and a cool-down:

  1. legs
  2. back
  3. arms & shoulders
  4. chest
  5. core
  6. full body

There wasn’t any cardio in this workout which was perfect for  me today because I was having a hard enough time just doing basics this morning.

I think the fact that I spent almost 3 weeks like thisScreen shot 2013-05-17 at 8.15.07 AMand the past 4 days I’ve been more like thisScreen shot 2013-05-17 at 8.16.13 AMhave left me a little drained and very sore.  I’m telling myself I’m just sore from lack of activity and that I need to just suck it up!!!

In reality, I think the fact that I took the DR very literally when she said that I couldn’t hurt anything by “jogging” at this point – I felt the need to hit it hard and now I’m paying feeling it big time!!

Add to the workouts and all of my normal daily activity the fact that I haven’t slept more than 1-2 hours at a time for the past several nights (my legs sort-of throb all night long) and I should probably wear this today:Screen shot 2013-05-17 at 8.20.28 AMBut – I won’t!!  I’ll just go up to the school and spend the day teaching PE to a bunch of wound-up kids (last Friday of the school year!!)!!!  Oy!!

Oh, well – I can rest over the weekend – OH WAIT – that won’t happen since we have 6-7 graduation parties to attend and we have to take Jordan up to the middle school at 2:45am Saturday morning and pick him up between 3:00 & 4:00am Sunday morning!! (love a band contest/6 Flags trip!!)

Happy Fun Friday!!  I’m thinking today will be a Diet Coke day for sure (rare for me but…)


SLEEP – Why Can’t we be Friends???

Today’s 43 targeted the lower abs (one of the hardest areas to work, I think).  I laid on my back with my legs straight up at 90 and feet flexed.  The actual move is small – lift your hips while pushing your feet up to the sky.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkMZ7fOhIMg’]

I tried to make sure that I wasn’t using my hands to push off – all core.  A simple, quick 43 today!

Then – more Les Mills Combat!!  Combat 45 – another fun, but intense work-out.  I’m pretty addicted to this Combat program!!!  I think they are all great work-outs but also very enjoyable!!

Screen shot 2013-02-20 at 9.00.27 AMSLEEP – such a simple word!!  Why is it so difficult?!  I have always had a few issues with sleep as well as a few requirements:  completely dark, cool, quiet.  Seems reasonable -right?

So, why can’t I sleep???

  1. Hot, then cold, oh wait now I’m hot again!!!  Sweating during a work-out is awesome, sweating at night, not so great!
  2. 2-3 trips to the bathroom!  I have always been a huge water drinker – all day long.  I don’t drink different amounts now, my body just handles it differently!
  3. Comfort – there is no single position that I can stay in for more than about an hour.  If I sleep on my back, it hurts.  If I sleep on my right side, my elbow hurts.
  4. My brain won’t shut off!!!  I don’t usually feel stressed about things when I go to bed but during the night I have 1000s of thoughts that run through my head over & over & over again!!

Screen shot 2013-02-20 at 9.13.22 AM


SLEEP – let’s make up and move on!  I don’t think it’s too much to ask!

Do y’all have sleep issues?  What do you do when you can’t sleep? 

(A lot of nights I read for hours – good thing it doesn’t bother Chris – he can sleep through most anything!!)

Happy Wednesday!!!
