Today I did a concentration curl for my 43. (to learn more about the main muscle actually worked in a concentration curl – not the bicep – read evilcyber’s post)
Let’s just view the move in pictures:

Of course, after I did 43 with my right arm, I still had another set of 43 with my left!

I liked this 43. I started with a 15 pound dumbbell but quickly dropped down to 12 pounds so that I could use good form. I couldn’t push my elbow against my leg very hard (at all really – bruises, you know) so I just have it resting next to my leg.
So, in honor of Teacher Appreciation week (or just because I felt like it!!) I decided to share a few things I’ve learned in the past week.
- Doctors do not always inform you about all possible outcomes of various procedures.
- As much as I enjoy reality TV, I like it much better when I watch it while on the treadmill!
- 10-month old babies are fun but lots of work (been awhile since my boys were that little).
- Sadly, I’m probably the opposite of a Sherpa. This was a new word for me so I guess this sort-of counts as learning 2 things!!! Check out Lindsay at Cotter Crunch – she is the living definition of a Sherpa!!!
- Plug-ins on Word Press blogs don’t always work!! Lately I’ve been having lots of issues with my CommentLuv – it works for awhile and then quits. Sorry that you aren’t always able to leave your most recent post. I’m not high tech enough to fix it!!
I better get a move on since I haven’t even showered and Chris is waiting on me for a quick little road trip today!! (My legs might not be elevated but they will be resting in the car!!)
Happy Fun Friday!!!