Today I did something a little different (for me) with the daily 43. I used this machine:

This is the Weider Platinum XP 800 by Cross Bow. It is similar to a Bow-Flex (I think). We have had it for years and today is the first time I have used it (I prefer dumbbells and free weights). Chris uses it occasionally – I think.
Anyway, I did leg extensions with this today. I set the weight/resistance to 50 and my quads were screaming by the time I had done the first 10. By the time I reached 43 I wasn’t sure I could stand up (but clearly I made it!!!).

I’m not sure that I will be using this machine often again – kind of a pain to get set up!
I also did a little Turbo Fire today – Fire 30. It is a challenge for me to do these work-outs and keep them low (no) impact. The good news is, I really focus on my punches and form. I also try to get lower in my stances and squeeze my abs harder.
After a little cardio I decided to try my plank (with arms fully extended) hold again – 3:30!!!! That is my best yet!!!
The past week or two I have noticed that my website has been running VERY SLOWLY. I couldn’t figure out why or how to fix it. Last night I was messing around with it and Jordan came walking by. I asked him what he thought. He looked at some of the pages and decided that it was my newest page (Daily 43) that was causing the problem. I had set it up as one long post and it probably had 70 or more videos on it. (At this point I’m pretty sure Jordan decided that I was totally incompetent on all things computer related.) Anyway, I deleted all of the videos and just linked the exercise to the corresponding video (per Jordan). I think we (by we I mean Jordan) solved the problem!!!
Funny that 14-year old boys are so smart!!! See, all that time spent on his computer has totally paid off!!! Thank you, Jordan!!!
Tonight we are going to a Christmas Eve Eve party at some friends. This is a yearly tradition of theirs and always a good time!!
Happy Sunday!