The 43 today had to be lower body because my upper body is sore!!! I did an exercise to work my butt and quads plus a bonus core work-out!!
The move started with a front kick

right into a back kick

This was one of those great exercises where I did 43 with my left leg and then immediately did a second set of 43 with my right leg. I tried to barely tap my toe in between kicks so that I could get the extra core work trying to keep my balance.
The rest of my work-out today was the 12 Days of Fitness. Today was the final day so I decided to take it a step further – I did the entire thing 5x through! It was a great work-out!!! I did it like a circuit and just kept moving from one exercise to the next. My heart rate was way up there!!!
If you haven’t clicked over to check the plan out, here it is. (Gina at the Fitnessista always has great work-outs like this on her site!!!)
- Day 12 12 Sumo Burpees
- Day 11 11 Weighted Squats (25 pound DBs for me)
- Day 10 10 Overhead Press (15 pound DBs for me)
- Day 9 9 Lateral Lunges – each side (25 pound DBs for me)
- Day 8 8 Bicep Curls (15 pound DBs for me)
- Day 7 7 Triceps Dips
- Day 6 6 Pull-Ups (assisted ones for me – used a step stool)
- Day 5 5 Frog Crunches
- Day 4 4 Toe Touches – each side
- Day 3 3 Mountain Climbers – each side
- Day 2 2 Push-Ups
- Day 1 1 Minute Plank (arms extended)
It really didn’t take long to go through the whole set (less than 5 minutes) – the weights really got my heart rate going. Bonus – 5 total minutes in plank today!!!
Yesterday while putting up all of the Christmas stuff, I had a minor large DISASTER of EPIC proportion!!! I have a few cookbooks
and all of them were on the jankity shelves in our storage room so that I could have Christmas decorations (Santas) everywhere!!!
I was stacking a plastic tub full of Christmas stuff in the corner by the shelves and this happened:

It was scary because I could see the shelves going down but I couldn’t do anything to stop it except jump back out of the way so that I didn’t get buried alive!!! Because the shelves contained a lot of other crap stuff and some of it was breakable and I heard that awful shattering noise over my loud screams! I had to keep the boys back because I didn’t want any cut feet in addition to the mess. They were troopers though – I pulled books out and they carried them upstairs – lots and lots of trips upstairs!!
Many hours later, after a trip to the store and more teamwork on the part of the boys and myself, our storage room looked like this:

Check out the new – STURDY – shelves put together by yours truly!

We might have a bit of Christmas decorations – can’t help it – I love Christmas!!!

1 $5 garage sale bargain tree left out!
Today I just need to get a few more of the green bins (I decided that if I had to reorganize I might as well color coordinate!!!) and then I think the room will be done!
Last night we had the privilege of watching a friend’s 6 month old little boy while they went to a winter party. Fun times!!! Always a joy to get in a little baby time!
Happy Sunday – hopefully no disasters ahead!!!