If you don’t already read Cranky Fitness (WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Just kidding – sort of) – you should head over today. Awhile back she mentioned a fun idea for a post and today is the day!!! Hint, it involves fitness and wine!!!
Today’s 44 is another move from Nellie (Brooklyn Active Mama) and her Weekly Wednesday workouts – cross crunches.

I did make one small change to make it a little bit harder – I did all 44 to one side but instead of tapping my foot down each time, I extended the leg, keeping it off the ground. After the first set of 44, I switched sides and did some more!

This was a great way to really work my obliques!!!
I did another day with Michelle Bridges – I’m hoping to get a run in after I take the boys to school.
I guess I was fortunate in high school to get out without any major drama – mostly because I hung out with guys a lot of the time. I was a total nerd and other than running track, I didn’t participate in many activities.
I feel like I have experienced far more drama since becoming a mom (and it isn’t from my kids). I don’t get it – there are so many negative things surrounding all of us every day – why can’t we all just get along?!
I think that FaceBook can be a great thing – I don’t tend to use it much but I love the fact that I can keep up with people from high school, college and other times in my life even though we live far apart.
What I don’t like about FaceBook is all the drama!!!
Snarky comments, unfriending and the gossip. Sometimes following a strand of comments is entertaining but other times I feel really bad when I read it and see some of the comments.
If you are reading this and wondering if I’m talking about someone specific, the answer is NO!!! This is just something that has bugged me for years and years – the drama and snide comments that I see all the time even among friends.
I know that I am FAR from perfect and say things that might be misinterpreted but my intention is never to start something or stir up trouble. Really I just like to float along in my fantasy world where everything is nice and everyone gets along!!!
How do you deal with adult drama?
Happy Thursday!!!