Tag Archives: fast feet

“It’s Against the Law”

Today for my 44 I tried a new to me move – a football stomp with an axe jump (plyo  jack).  The football stomp is basically fast feet for about 5 seconds and then you do a plyo jack.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGgOsnw0Zdo’]

(Still can’t figure out why all the early morning videos are so yellow – better do some playing around with my camera!)  This was a fun 44 and it went really quickly!

I haven’t been running a lot lately (mental block & babying my Achilles) but thought I should get in a few more runs in the next week and a half so that’s what I did this morning.

The run was great – I did 6 miles at a quick pace and then an easy 1.75 miles for 61:00 total minutes of running.  (1.5% incline)  Hopefully another couple of runs will happen in the next week and then it will be time to see what I’m made of!!!

Screen shot 2013-10-01 at 9.17.24 PMI rarely have any type of controversial post and political stuff isn’t a big topic for me.  However, I couldn’t totally let this whole government thing go.  

As you all know, Chris is a pilot for the United States Air Force – he is in the Kansas Air National Guard.  For 27 years he has served our country.  

Now, thanks to a very unsettled government, there are many military and other government people who are being furloughed and are looking at a few days, weeks, whatever the time period ends up being, of not getting paid.

Screen shot 2013-10-01 at 9.15.54 PMThe way I see it, if the government is shutting down, Congress should definitely not be getting paid – all of them not just the few who have offered to waive their pay.

And, with a shut- down there should at least be some extra days off.

Here was the conversation between Chris and I last night:

Kim:  I think the US military should stage a walk-out if they aren’t going to get paid.
Chris:  That’s against the law.
Kim:  The law made by the same government that is now not paying you?!  Oh – well that seem’s fair completely RIDICULOUS!!!

Obviously I tend to exaggerate things a little since (supposedly) the military will still get paid.

So – yesterday I said I was thankful that Chris still had a job – and I am.  However, I’m not thankful for the way things are being handled in our country right now.  Just my very un-educated point of view on the matter!!!

And, for the record, I think that all government employees should stage a walk-out!!!  

Happy Wednesday!



Today’s 44 went quickly but it was definitely effective.  I did fast feet (x8) straight into a tuck jump!

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gW13Rs1KPBw’]

I’m a sweaty mess in the video because the demo was after my workout today!!!  Tuck jumps are always hard for me and the fast feet between really amped up my heart rate.  44 of these were no joke!!!

I did a new (to me) DVD today and loved it!!  It was one of the 10 Minute Solution workouts which I’ve always liked anyway – High Intensity Interval Training  (can you tell why I loved it?!).

The workout had 5, 10 minute segments:  HIIT 101, Upper Body HIIT, HIIT Explosion, Rock Bottom HIIT, Ab HIIT.  Each segment consisted of 8 exercises done 2x each (20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest), plus a very short warm-up, cool down.  This workout took about 55 minutes but it flew by!!!  And, I discovered a few new moves to try!

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It is 10:00 am and I’m just now working on my post for today and it feels amazing!!!  Most days I’m up at 5:00 am and have my workout and daily post done by 7:20 (when I take Hunter to school) so that I can get moving on the rest of the day.

Today, the boys have a day off school (teacher work day) and Chris is off so I decided to give myself a day off, too!!!  

After yesterday I needed a day off!!!  In a 30 minute period late yesterday afternoon, I yelled at both Jordan and Chris (2 separate scenes).  The only reason Hunter escaped my tantrum throwing – he was lucky enough not to be home yet!!!

Screen shot 2013-09-27 at 10.11.00 AMFor the most part, my reactions were a bit out of control because I was TIRED!!!  

Today, I didn’t even get up until after 7:30!!!  Then, I actually putzed around a bit before I finally went down to workout (normally I am working out within about 10 minutes of getting up)!!

Screen shot 2013-09-27 at 10.13.47 AMI feel so much more refreshed and ready to tackle the next few weeks which are going to be hectic – just 2 weeks until I complete my 50 miles race!!!!

Happy Fun Friday!!!
