Tag Archives: fireworks

I’m Way too Old to Stay up till Midnight!!!

This morning’s 43 was nice because even though it worked my arms and upper back a little, and it was  a nice stretch (which felt good after a week full of lots of plank work!!).

I just did a lying pull-over with a dumbbell (15 pound).

slowly lower arms behind
slowly lower arms behind

I tried to keep all 43 at a nice steady pace so there wasn’t any jerking.  This move really did feel pretty good through my shoulders and upper back (plus, I will take all the work I can get on my triceps!!).

Today was a double Boot Camp day – 6:00 (backyard) and 7:15 (beach) – I love starting my day outside with exercise and friends!!!  Today’s workout was all about moving and was FULL of squats and lunges of all types – it was AWESOME!!  And – my legs are still shaking an hour after finishing the 2nd round!!!

random scenes while hanging out waiting for fireworks
random scenes while hanging out waiting for fireworks

Last night was a lot of fun – we had plenty of great food, Texas Margaritas, friends and lots of fireworks!!!

4th of JulyAround dusk, Hunter decided it was time to bring out the big guns in terms of firecrackers.  He started with a tube that had 4000 firecrackers:

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOA-4CSoc34′]

the remains!!
the remains!!

A short time later he decided it was time to light the really big roll – an 8000 round of firecrackers.

8000 firecrackers
8000 firecrackers

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECUwXDNMBBk’]

Good times!!!

Jordan had a plan and with the help of Hunter, Nick, Alex and Chris – they put on a great show for us!!

taking a bow
taking a bow
the aftermath
the aftermath

Between the show on our driveway, the lake show and the shows by several of our neighbors – we saw lots of great fireworks.  No major issues or injuries so it was a successful night overall!!!

How's this for a great family picture?!
How’s this for a great family picture?!

The only downside to the entire thing?  It was close to midnight when I went to bed and then it took me a long time to fall asleep.  5:15 came way too early this morning!!!

Oh, well – small price to pay for a night of fun!!!  And, I plan to spend some time on the swim beach today soaking up the sun so I can relax/nap then!!!

What did you do to celebrate the 4th of July?  Do you shoot off fireworks?  

Growing up I never did but I love doing it (well, watching the boys) now!!!  

Happy Friday!!


Happy 4th of July

Today’s 43 matches the theme of the day – star jumps to celebrate Independence Day!!!

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOsZcKAnxac’]

This was a quick 43 but I was feeling it by the end.  For some reason, these jumps always get my heart rate sky high really quickly!!!

And, not because it is a holiday, but because I think I need it – today is a DAY OFF!!!

We love 4th of July!!!  I don’t know how fireworks are where you live, but here, you can buy and shoot off fireworks for the entire week leading up to the 4th.  And – we take advantage of the week!!!  Most evenings we are outside making fire on the driveway!!

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUK2ukYmZck’]

I think that sometimes we take our freedom for granted but today is a good day to remember how fortunate we really are!

Screen shot 2013-07-04 at 8.40.12 AM

I’m thankful for all that happened so many years ago so that we could enjoy the freedoms that we have in our country today!!!

Screen shot 2013-07-04 at 8.42.06 AMOur day will be spent hanging out and this evening we have friends coming over for our annual 4th of July party – plenty of good food, fireworks on the driveway, wrapped up with the display on the lake (best viewed from the boat!!).

Screen shot 2013-07-04 at 8.40.59 AMWhatever your plans for the day – I hope it is a day full of fun, food, family, friends!!!

One final seen from earlier this week – plenty more will be fired off tonight – can’t wait!!

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F53IXW5Locc’]

Happy Thursday & Happy 4th of July!!!


Building up Our Memory Banks

Today’s 43 was inspired by one of my Turbo Fire workouts from the past week.  I did a speed bag move on the right and then kicked with my left leg.   Of course, after finishing 43, I had to switch sides and do another set with the speed bag on my left and a right kick.  (imaginary speed bag!!)

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SrYWJ1pm3E’] 

I wore my weighted gloves to add a little to the speed bag challenge – I think they only weight a pound each but at least it was something!  This was a fun 43!!!  

I feel like I haven’t done much weight training lately so I decided to do Les Mills Pump.  I did Pump and Burn which is one of the shorter workouts (just over 30 minutes).  Probably a good choice since I finished about 30 minutes ago and my arms are still shaking!!!  I think there’s a good chance that I will be sore tomorrow!!

TX trip
TX trip
TX trip
TX trip

The past week, the boys and I have spent almost every minute together during our trip to TX while Chris was on his own trip for work.  I started thinking about all the things we have done and how much we have laughed together – a lot!!!  Knowing that my boys are having fun and that we can all laugh together makes me HAPPY!!!

I watch the boys and know that when they are grown and no longer live  with us they will have 1000s of happy memories from the time spent at home and with their family!!!


Whether we are spending hours together in a car, playing one of the 100s of games that we have played over the years (Monopoly, Life, Uno, Skip-Bo, Head Bandz……..), sharing a meal together


or just hanging out – I want the boys to keep storing up these fun/happy memories!!!

Last night we added more memories!!  A week of firework fun has begun!!!

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_Rp7azuDgs’]

So, even though sometimes I have to give up things that I would like to do – FitBloggin’ conference  – in the big picture, the things that matter are these everyday fun times that I get to be part of with my boys!!!

There are huge chunks of my growing up years that I have completely blocked from my memory and I want to make sure that my boys have full memory banks of awesome family times!!!

driving on the ranch
driving on the ranch
rocking on the front porch
rocking on the front porch

And, the bonus of building up the boys happy memory banks is that I’m also building up my own memory bank with lots of incredible experiences!!!

I can’t wait to see what we add to our “banks” today!!!  Probably some time at the swim beachSwim BeachDefinitely more fireworks tonight!!!

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qj0lJGqTs2U’]

 And above all – laughter, happiness and LOVE!!!

What are you putting in your memory bank today?


Happy Sunday!!!
