Tag Archives: fun

Exercise: Fun or Dreaded?

Today’s 43 really made me push myself!!  I did plank rows – which means I stayed in the plank position while I did 43 rows with each arm (for a total of 86 rows)!!

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1A631XqSoj4′]

I wanted to maximize the core work so I tried to keep my body as still as possible during the rows – not easy!!! (but done)

Today was Combat 60 Live – Ultimate Warrior (fun, fun, fun!!!) which is part of the Les Mills Combat program.  I sort-of wish that particular work-out was even longer than an hour – so much fun and yet when I finish  I always  know that I have gotten a great work-out!

I’m forcing myself to take a week or two off of running to see if my Achilles will heal up.  I have had Achilles  problems Screen shot 2013-02-25 at 10.27.38 AM (not that kind of Achilles!!!) since grad school and my days of heavy road racing – it comes and goes but usually if I will give it a bit of a break I can push on through!

I tried a quick new work-out today – LOVED it!!!  I did work-out #1 on Zuzana’s (from BodyRock) new DVD series.

  • 10 burpees (touch your stomach to the ground each time then jump into the air at the top)
  • 10 tuck jumps
  • 10 burpees
  • 20 jumping lunges
  • 10 burpees
  • 30 kick ups (start in crab position & kick legs up – one right & one left = 1)
  • 10 burpees
  • 40 jack kicks (jack your feet out then in, kick leg high to the side – alt. legs)
  • 10 burpees
  • 10 burpees

Next time I think I will set my own timer – I stuck with Zuzana today but I had some down time and I would rather push the whole time!!  Either way – less than 10 minutes to a great work-out!

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Do you enjoy your work-outs or are they just something to be endured so you can check it off the list?Screen shot 2013-02-25 at 10.43.57 AM

People that know me know I love to exercise.  I don’t know if I’ve ever said I “have” to work out.  Usually, if I have a day where I feel like that, it means I need a day off!!

But, I’ve had many people say, “I wish I liked to work out like you do.”  Why???  Don’t work-out like me if you hate it!!  Find something that YOU  like!  Screen shot 2013-02-25 at 10.42.05 AM

Anytime someone tells me they wished they liked to run or lift weights, I always ask them what they do like to do.  If it’s not something you like then it will just be work!!! I don’t ever swim for exercise because I hate swimming (I think the pool or lake should just be used to cool off while tanning).  If that were to be my work-out I would dread every second of it and it wouldn’t benefit me much at all.

I always feel bad when I can tell someone is going to the gym just because they feel like they “should.”  Even with my boys, I would love them to be runners but I don’t think they really enjoy it – no problem, but find something you   like and do it!!

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I know that MizFit is a big advocate for making fitness fun – she calls it Playout (instead of workout – get it?).  I love her approach to making it FUN!!!

So, any of you who dread your work-out times, maybe it’s time to make a change!  Make it fun so you will enjoy it (or at least not dread it!!).

Happy Monday!


Lovin’ Friday!

Today I mixed it up – crazy, I know!!!  I did my 43 at the end of my work-out.  Not my favorite way to get things done!!!  I like to kick things off with the 43 because for a lot of the exercises – 43 seems like a really large number and I like to hit it while I’m fresh!!!!

Anyway, today I did a move from Tae-Bo (I think it is in the Boot Camp series but I can’t actually remember which DVD it is from!).  It is a sit-up but when you come up, you split your legs and reach forward.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YN9AvWVPuEA’]

This actually turned out to be a great 43 to do at the end of a work-out because besides the core work from the sit-up, it has a bit of a stretch!

I started my day with some Les Mills Combat – Combat 60 Ultimate Warrior!!!  Great start to any day – especially Fun Friday!!

I typically don’t run 2 days in a row with my history of injuries but today was a short run for a good cause.  Rachelle posted about a virtual 1.5 run today for a little boy (Colton) who is fighting Leukemia.  The idea is to wear orange (color to support Leukemia) and send a picture.  You can click over to her site for more details.  I thought it was a great idea so I hoped on my treadmill and  did a quick 1.5 miles.

Virtual run for Colton
Virtual run for Colton
totally posed picture
totally posed picture

Since I worked out early, I had to wait for Jordan to get up to actually take my picture – done running by that point!!!

I’m excited to be checking out a new (to me) place today.  I’m going with a friend to The Pink Suitcase.  Hmm…I wonder if they carry work-out clothes since that is what I seem to be living in these days!  It should be fun – girl’s day out!!!

And – it is supposed to be 50 degrees today!!!!  WooHoo!!!

Happy Fun Friday!



Exercise Fun with My Boys!!!

Today’s 43 was a true breeze (compared to yesterday!!!)  It was a great exercise to really work deep into the abs – the  especially obliques!

The move:  sit on a stability ball with hands clasped behind head.  Alternate opposite knee to elbow (like an oblique crunch on the floor but you have to work harder to maintain your balance on the ball = bonus core work!!!).  I counted 1 rep as a right knee lift and left knee lift – 43 each side!

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4olEhbnJlRg’]

Here’s Jordan’s best attempt – you can hear Hunter cackling in the background – not sure why he was laughing so much at Jordan trying the move since he had even more trouble!!!  Funny boys!!!

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-rWAhx7MPg’]

The boys were silly for sure – the longer they tried the move the more they laughed.  I just kept filming them because I love when they are having fun and laughing (especially the true, deep gut laughs)!!!  Plus, they were getting extra reps with each demo!!!  (sneaky Mom)

I did another day of Les Mills Combat – Combat 45.  This one was fun – I will like it more when I learn it a little better and when I’m back to being able to do all the moves at the highest impact level!!!

This afternoon we will see a lot of Chris’ family – sadly it is for a funeral.  (One of Chris’ aunts passed away Sunday evening.)  It’s always good to see his extended family but I like it better when the occasion is a  reunion or graduation party or some other fun event.

Off to a 1/2 day at the library – sad when they need a sub for the sub!!!

Happy Wednesday!


Fun Times – Games, Friends, “Work-out Tools” & Bells!!!

I love the fact that both of my boys have totally embraced my daily 43 and are willing to help me by filming me or doing the demos themselves!!!  I REALLY  love it when they pick  the move of the day!!!

Today’s 43 is compliments of Hunter.  He told me I should do classic boxing (classic according to Hunter).  Perfect – what would that be?  Duh….. (sometimes my boys think I don’t know things – shows what they know!!!).  Classic boxing:  jab-jab-punch-jab-jab-punch-uppercut-hook.

  • right jab
  • right jab
  • left punch
  • right jab
  • right jab
  • left punch
  • right uppercut
  • left hook

Well, I decided that I wanted to make the “classic boxing” a little more challenging so I added this:


Much better!!!

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krPD8W3BoEo’]

Of course, after I did the first 43, I had to switch sides and do another 43 using the opposite arm for each move!!!  Thanks for a great idea, Hunter.  This worked my core, arms, legs (I kept my knees slightly bent in a semi-squat on BOSU) and got my heart rate up!!!

Yesterday was a perfect snow day!!!  The boys and I spent about 3 hours playing Monopoly (I won!! Chris thinks I’m awful but it is all in fun).  Last night, Chris and I met up with some great friends for drinks and dinner – good times!!!

A good friend posted this on my Facebook page yesterday:Screen shot 2012-12-21 at 9.03.07 AMUm….yes, please!!!  See, here is my “work-out equipment” ready to go!

New exercise tool?
New exercise tool?

The other night a friend of mine gave me an early Christmas gift.  The best part?

Oh, Chris!!!!!

I can’t even begin to tell you how much this bell entertains me.  Chris, however, doesn’t seem to find it quite as much fun – not sure why?!?!  I think it will grow on him!!!  (or he might try to hide it…hmmmm)

Gotta bundle up and do some last minute errands and hit up the grocery store (not sure how that venture plays into Fun Friday since it will be a crazy mess – maybe I should take my bell with me!!!)

Enjoy your Fun Friday!!!
