Tag Archives: GI issues

You Know You’re a Runner When________________

Screen Shot 2014-05-20 at 8.58.59 PMI can’t even tell you how very happy I am that both of my boys are so into running these days!!!

Just in the past week, both boys have experienced some “runner” firsts!!

Jordan gets off the bus every day after school (his last few days as a bus rider since next year he will be driving!!!) and runs in the house just long enough to through his backpack down before he takes off running.  His whole goal is to pass the bus.  (I’m pretty sure there is a girl involved but he says “no” so….)

Anyway, he has been running every day.  On the weekends he likes to sleep till noon or so (don’t get me started on my thoughts there!!!) and then about mid afternoon go for a run.

The other day he was complaining about his toe hurting and I looked at it – 

skip the long toenail (he has issues!!!) - check out the black!
skip the long toenail (he has issues!!!) – check out the black!

 I told him that he was going to lose that toenail!!  He sort of freaked and then asked why?

I explained that it is common and happens to all runners (except in almost 30 years of running I’ve never lost one – hmmm…….maybe I’m not really a runner!).

And, Hunter, who is training for his first half marathon in just over 2 weeks had a first on Saturday.

after 10 miles
after 10 miles

The picture was actually from 2 weeks ago but I don’t always take pictures after we run.

Anyway, Saturday, we had a long run on tap and decided to run to the high school instead of doing our normal 2 mile loop over and over.  I had my new water belt (1 water bottle for me and 1 bottle full of Powerade for Hunter) so we were set.

We got to the high school (the furthest point from home – over 5 miles out) and Hunter said, “I have to go to the bathroom.”  

I was praying he meant he had to pee – NOPE!!!  He was experiencing his first case of runners GI distress.  

So, we walked for a bit and tried to come up with a solution.  (FYI – I didn’t even have my phone in my belt cause I’m stupid!!!)

After a mile we were close to a friend’s  (actually more of an acquaintance) house and I told Hunter that we could detour and see if she was home so he could use the restroom.  She was.  He did.  All good!!!

We finished our run afterwards and ended up with a total of 11 miles for the morning (his record!!).

So, how would you finish the sentence “You know you’re a runner when……..”

Happy Wednesday!
