My 43 today was a great warm-up for my long run. I did a standing oblique crunch with a knee up to an extended leg.

The whole above series = 1 rep. 43 of these was a great way to fire up my hip flexors and quads in preparation for the big run!
And then I ran!!! For several years, I’ve run my age to celebrate my birthday. Last year I addd in the half birthday celebration run. Of course, the half birthday has to be the # of miles for the upcoming birthday!!!
So, today I ran 22 miles! I ran on my treadmill at 1.0% incline and kept the pace between 8:00 minutes/mile and 7:53 minutes/mile for the first 20 miles. The last 2 miles I increased the speed until I was at a 7:30 minute mile. Total time 2:53:43 (7:54 pace overall) with no stops!!!
The no stops was the best part for me – usually I have to stop to stretch something, tie a shoe, bathroom – something. Not today!!!
I walked an easy 0.5 mile after I finished the run just to get my heart rate down. And then, I foam rolled!

Today I used the ridged one at the front. I just held it in several tight areas for a bit (hips, quads, calves – basically everywhere!!!). I know I should foam roll more often – but at least today I made a smart choice!
Hopefully if I put my new compression socks on for the rest of the day I will be ready for the next big challenge tomorrow!!
Happy Saturday!