Tag Archives: hot

Summer Is Finally Here!!!

Today’s 43 was a fun crunch move with some punches!!!  I just did a crunch with 4 cross punches on the way up and then a slow ride on the way back down.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTEKsEpKsEQ’]

And, I’m happy that Jordan did a demo for me again!!!

This was a great way to take a basic crunch and give it a little more Uumph!!!  Trust me, after about 20 you will feel these!!!

Then I taught boot camp at 6:00am – the only negative to the backyard bootcamp is the grass is always wet in the mornings and my shoes and socks get soaked (not my favorite!!) – but it is Boot Camp!!!

Screen shot 2013-06-10 at 8.02.01 AMToday’s fun Insanity Asylum workout was Vertical Plyo (the one with jumping, jumping and more jumping!!!).  During track practice when I was in college, we did plyometrics occasionally.  And, then I never did them again until a few years ago when I did Insanity for the first time (I’ve gone through the 60 day program 2x).  Now, I do them in some workouts – HIIT, Tabata based workouts and even my own boot camp workouts.  But, Vertical Plyo takes it to a whole new level!!!

 Beach Fun

Yesterday afternoon the boys and I had our first swim beach outing of the season!!!  Considering that it is already June 8, this is late to get started on our summer fun! The problem has been the weather – lots of rain and temps in the low 70s don’t make for great beach weather.  But now it is starting to look a lot like my idea of perfect summer weather.Screen shot 2013-06-09 at 8.26.52 PM


Last night’s dinner even matched the great weather – ribs, parmesan orzo and a fresh salad with tomato, corn, cucumber and basil – summer at it’s finest!!!

What is your ideal summer weather?

For me – 80 and higher (the hotter the better!!)

Happy Monday!!
