Today the 43 was another multi-joint exercise!!! The lower body portion was static – I just held a lunge:

The upper body was to work my triceps. I did kickbacks while staying in a low lunge for the entire 43.

And, you know, that I have to make sure things stay semi-balanced so I did 43 on each side!!! I used a 12 pound dumbbell for the first 33 with my right arm and then dropped to 10 pounds. On my left, I only got to 28 with the 12 pound weight and then I had to do the last 15 with a 10 pound so that I didn’t sacrifice form. Staying in the lunge the whole time – brutal and awesome!!!
Today was another day of Combat!!!! I did Combat 30 (cardio) and then I decided to try a new one – Core Attack. WOW – 20 minutes of solid core work. By the end when one of the people on the DVD said it was awesome, I’m pretty sure I used a different choice of words for how I was feeling. This was an intense 20 minutes!!!
Last night, Jordan and some of his friends/classmates were recognized at the school board meeting. In the fall, they competed in a National academic competition – Knowledge Master Open (KMO). They placed 1st out of 38 teams in the state of Kansas and 29th out of 508 teams in the nation!!!

Pretty awesome!!! Way to go guys (and girls)!!!! (and did you notice that Jordan is wearing something besides a white T-shirt and white Nike shorts? Rare!!)
The competition is broken into categories – law, government, history, even “useless trivia.”
So, let’s see how many of y’all are current on random facts (you never know when you might need some useless bit of knowledge!).
- What quartet arrived in New York City on February 7, 1964?
- Where are the Haversian canals?
- What distance did the Romans once define as 1,000 paces?
If you can answer any of these I will be super impressed!!! (You thought there was a prize didn’t you?!) The prize is just knowing that you know “stuff”!!!
Happy Wednesday!