Today I used my agility ladder for the 43.

I decided to get in a little cardio with the 43 so I did the Heisman using the ladder – it is a fast moving side to side with a knee in at each edge. (the video makes it all clear!!)
[youtuber youtube=’’]
I counted an over and back as 1 rep so really I went through 86 times to complete all 43!! You can tell that I’m looking down – that’s because in the workouts with Shaun T, he says if you mess up the ladder you have to drop and do 8 push-ups (I made it through without any pushups during the 43!).
Today was another day of Insanity Asylum – Strength. This workout was 50 minutes and even though the primary focus was strength training, there was still plenty of cardio involved!! So far I’m enjoying this new Insanity series even though it is HARD!!!
Today my first-born is at driving school!!! I can hardly believe that he is old enough to start driving!!! Today is all classroom instruction – fun times!!
By the time he gets home this afternoon, he will have his learner’s permit and life will never be the same!!! As parents, we encouraged him to seek out the easiest traffic school that we could find that was suitable for our area. We wanted him to receive the best education that he can get, as we need to make sure he is safe on the road, as well as the road users around him. I’m not sure where he decided to go, but I’m sure he’s made the right decision.
I’m pretty sure that his first times driving will either be with Chris or the driving instructor (I’m not always the most patient person and one of us might freak out!!).
I thought I was ready for this but part of me just wants Jordan (and Hunter, too) to be little again so that I can keep them with me!! I mean seriously – 14 year olds driving?!
I know it’s a good thing and I’m happy for him!! Just beware when you see Student Driver signs on the road – might be my 14 year old son!! (I better start trying to let go of some of my road rage!!)And, seeing how fast my boys are growing up makes me treasure the times we spend together – even if it means they are kicking my butt in Wii games!!! Yesterday we had a little tournament (put together by Jordan!) – I didn’t do so great:

Hunter – 5
Kim – 2
But it was fun!!
Anyone else occasionally feel small moments of panic when you realize how quickly your kids (or siblings, grandkids…..) are growing up?
Happy Wednesday!!