Today I used one of my small wobble balls for the 44. I balanced on it –

Just sitting on this was a bit of a challenge!! While staying balanced on it, I did double leg raises.

You can’t even tell that the wobble ball is under me in the pictures but it is and I promise it adds to the challenge!!!
Today was a run day!!! 8 miles in 63:12 with 1.5% incline
I’m planning to run again tomorrow – rare for me to run back to back but I’m thinking it will be OK!!!
So, I know I won’t ever be perfect but I do need to make a few changes.
I think I’ve talked before about the fact that we try to eat healthy most of the time but I love chips, Cheetos and several other empty calorie items. And, I know I haven’t made any secret about the fact that I love my evening cocktail!!!

But lately, I feel like my appetite has been out of control. Last night within 30 minutes of dinner (where I ate more than enough!) I was starving!!
I think that I need to play around with the amount of protein I get because I’m not sure that I always take in enough. I know that over the weekend I had minimal protein which might explain how hungry I was yesterday.
I can also tell that I have put on a little weight around my middle and I want to get rid of that –

Sort of hard to see clearly from this angle but trust me, it’s there.
So, nothing major but I figure I need to make a few changes now and see if it helps. I realize that each year I will have to work a little harder to maintain the shape I want and there are always things that I’m not willing to give up completely (potato chips & WINE!) but I can scale back on some of the things that I love and try some new things.
Do you ever feel the need to make some small changes in your eating to maintain the size/shape you want to be?
Happy Tuesday!!
BTW – this is just me being real about myself. I’m not comparing myself or size to anyone because what works for some isn’t necessarily right for me. I just know what makes me feel my best and I want to try to stay at that point.