Tag Archives: ma’am

Am I Old?!

Today’s 44 was for the core – primarily the lower part of the abs.  I did a single leg crunch with a leg extension.

right side
right side

This move is slow and controlled – extend the leg and hold, then crunch in.  Of course, after I finished 44, I had to switch sides and start again!!

left side
left side

For my workout I did one of the 10 Minute Solution DVDs – Ultimate Boot Camp.  I did all 5 sections for a great full-body workout.  

Lately I feel like I’m sort of struggling with some of my workouts  for some reason – maybe it is part of the “old” thing!!!

Most days I feel like I’m still in my 20s – well, maybe not but….I don’t feel OLD!!!

Screen shot 2013-10-20 at 9.17.04 PM

However, some days things happen that make me feel old.

The other day I went to a networking luncheon to meet other small business owners.  This guy that I sat next to (he looked about 15!) kept calling me Ma’am.  Really?!  It would be one thing if he really were 15 but he wasn’t – he was a local business man!!

Screen shot 2013-10-20 at 9.12.11 PMI felt old then!!!

Friday evening we took dinner to some friends who just had a baby.  The new mom asked me if I wanted to hold her – – – YES!!!!  While holding this tiny precious baby I realized that I’m closer to grand babies than when my own boys were babies – What????

Screen shot 2013-10-20 at 9.16.07 PMA lot of times when I’m showing our venue to a perspective bride, I realize that I am old enough to be her mom!!

So, I guess I will just keep doing my daily 44s and be happy that even though I might be “old” I can still workout hard and keep up with some 20 year olds!!!

Screen shot 2013-10-20 at 9.18.19 PMAnd – I do remember what it felt like to slam a phone shut after a conversation – so there is that!!!

Do young adults call you Ma’am or Sir?  
Do you feel older than your age or younger?

Happy Monday!!!
