Tag Archives: midnight

Why do I stay up till midnight?

Today for my 43 I decided to do a move that Kristen @ Stuft Mama demoed.  This move involves one of my favorite pieces of equipment – 


Kristen called the move a scissor move on the BOSU – I’m not sure if I did it exactly the way she did but either way it is an incredible way to work your core!!


Just balancing myself was a challenge!!!

scissor legs
scissor legs
still scissoring
still scissoring

I counted a right leg up and a left leg up as 1 rep.  43 of these were hard!!  And, I had to hold lightly to the ball otherwise I kept rolling off!!!

I also taught Garage Boot Camp this morning.  We did another repeat workout – 7 mini workouts or 1 Super Boot Camp one of my favorites!!!  (I really do have a lot of favorites, I guess – oh, well all the favorites match all of my exclamation points!!!)

I decided to do another short run – I’m so happy that I’ve been able to run on consecutive days again.  I’m trying to not get too crazy with the running though because I have some big runs coming up – 44 miles in about 2.5 weeks (birthday run) and 50 miles in mid October – no time to end up injured due to running too much!!

Today I just did 5 total miles – 4 hard (24:19) + 1 much easier (almost 12 minutes) all with a 1.5% incline.  Other than my left Achilles which stays swollen all the time, my legs are feeling really good these days!!!

Screen shot 2013-08-28 at 11.44.19 PM

For the past 6 years, I have become one of those people who gets up at the butt crack of  dawn and therefore, I rarely stay up past 10:00pm.  This works well because Chris has gotten up early forever so he likes to go to bed fairly early, too.

However, lately, I haven’t had time during  the day to spend blogging so when Chris (and the boys) go to bed at night I sit down with my laptop (and HGTV!) to play catch-up.  All good until this happens – 

Screen shot 2013-08-28 at 11.45.54 PMMidnight!!!  12:00 am!!! 5 short hours before my alarm will start screeching at me and I will start all over with another day!!!

Screen shot 2013-08-28 at 11.50.44 PMYikes – how did it get to be so late with me still up?!  And why am I up?  Maybe tonight will be the night that I don’t ring in the new day!!!  (doubtful but…..)

How late do you stay up on a normal night?  
What time do you get up in the mornings?
Alarm or natural wake up?
How many hours do you generally sleep at night?
 (I’m to the point where it is rarely more than 6 & staying up till midnight is making it even less!)

Happy Thursday!
