Today’s 43 was to work my hips, thighs, butt – all of it!!! I did 4 moves 43 reps of each (on both sides!)
All of the moves are done in the table-top position:
1. leg straight back – small lifts x 43
2. leg out to the side – small lifts x 43
3. leg out to side with knee bent so that heel pushes to back – small lifts x 43
4. leg straight back with knee bent and heel to ceiling – small lifts x 43

Right side

I guess my shoes have reflective stuff on them and the flash kept hitting them – oops!!!
And, I still have almost 2 weeks of Insanity Asylum (sort-of ready to be done with it but I’m going to finish the program!!). Today was Strength (still seeing improvement so that’s good!) and Relief (stretching!!).
After my “home” workout, I headed to the swim beach for Boot Camp. I really like the mornings on the beach – it’s so peaceful (even if we are working hard and sweating buckets!!). And, Jordan always goes with me to the beach and joins us for the workout – I love seeing my boys enjoy fitness!!!
Yesterday morning, I was going through my Bloglovin’ feed and when I got to MizFit I clicked on the first unread post and saw – “winner winner chicken dinner! Kim of Day with KT” (THAT’S ME!!!!) I won her giveaway – a ticket to Fitbloggin!!!!
Not gonna lie – I picked myself up off the floor and did a little jig! Happiness and excitement were at max levels!!!!
I immediately googled Fitbloggin 2013 so that I could start planning – booking a flight and hotel were next on the agenda – I had my trusty Visa and I was ready. I can’t even believe how many times I’ve commented on different blogs about Blog Meet-ups and how I hoped to be able to go to one sometime! And now I was going to get to go!!!!!
I headed over to the FitBloggin website to get the dates so I could make my arrangements and at the top of the page I saw this:And just like that, my bubble burst!!! I went from being over the top excited to
I sent this text to Chris even though I shouldn’t have because it made him feel bad – he called me immediately!
The problem – Chris is a pilot in the Air National Guard and he will be on a trip before, during, after the conference (not a fun trip like mine would be – his is actually work!). Which means that I’m doing double duty as a single mom and can’t go to the conference. It’s how our life is and I wouldn’t change anything (except maybe the timing of Chris’ trip!!!).
I know that there will be other conferences and other opportunities to meet many of the wonderful people that I only know through cyber-space but I think the fact that I won (Carla picked me!!!) the ticket and then had to decline makes me feel a little like this –
So, many 100s of thanks to MizFit for allowing me to experience the happiness and excitement of winning and planning to go to FitBloggin’ and many apologies that I had to decline (but I didn’t know about the conflicting dates when I entered to win). I will just have to plan further ahead and make sure I get my dates on the calendar first for the next one!!!!
Have you ever won something and had to give it back or decline?
Happy Tuesday!!!