Today’s 43 was a play on one that Nellie featured for one of her Weekly Wednesday workouts. She showed a split squat with a side kick this past week. I don’t have my step here but we have stairs!!!
I stood on the 2nd step and did a squat then pushed up into a side leg raise. Not gonna lie, about 15 in I started wishing that I had used the bottom step – oh, well gotta make up for yesterday!!!
[youtuber youtube=’’]
Even though I only did 1 side for the demo, you know I had to do 43 with the other leg – I just didn’t want to film my backside!!! This move was great for burning out my quads and my hips!!!
After that I headed outside to take advantage of the beauty all around me!! I ran 4 miles (8:37 pace) and walked an easy 1/4 mile cool down. It wasn’t too hot yet (around 80) but it was muggy – I was dripping with in the first 5 minutes!!!
I’m one of those people who doesn’t ever completely deny myself things. If I want a piece of candy,I usually go ahead and have it.
When I go shopping, I might come home with


Sometimes I even buy stuff that we really need!! (Pretty much I love to shop!!)
And, we all know that I enjoy an evening

So, I don’t really have a problem with indulging in things! However, I know my personality and I also know that if I’m not careful I can easily overindulge.
I may have consumed more than 1 candy bar in a setting before. I might have shopped all day and bought a ton of stuff that we don’t really need. And, on very rare occasions, I might have more cocktails than I should.
Each time that I overindulge, whether it is with food, shopping, cocktails, sometimes even with working out, I remember why it is so important to practice moderation in all things. I don’t beat myself up, I just remind myself – I try to practice moderation on a daily basis. Sometimes I overdo certain things (like feeling the need to run 5 hours!!!) but overall I try to live a life of moderation in all things!!!
Do you ever overindulge? Do you beat yourself up or just remind yourself of why moderation is the key?
This week I plan to indulge (possibly over-indulge) in the beach and sleeping (very rare for me to not get up early anymore but I’m going to try and catch up)!!
Happy Monday!!! I’m off to the beach!!