For my 43 today, I took a move that works your butt and by using my BOSU like this

turned into a true challenge!!! Trying to stay balanced really amped up the difficulty level!
I did a “hydrant” kick. Start on all 4s:

Push one leg straight up with a 90 degree bend in your knee.

From this lovely position, move your leg across your other leg and touch the knee to the floor.

Return to 90, drop the knee straight down and repeat until you reach desired # of reps – 43 for me. Of course, I can’t walk around unbalanced (any more than I already am!) so I did a second set of 43 with my other leg. My butt was burning and my core got a great work-out!!!
Today was another day of Les Mills Combat – Combat 30. Since it was a short work-out (30 minutes) I decided to do more today. So I ran!!!
For some reason after I dropped both boys off at school this morning, I was in a bit of a funk. Not sure why – we had a great weekend, enjoyed the game with friends last night (and I didn’t care about the outcome) – just a bit blue…
So, I did what any blue frog would do – RUN!!!
I decided to really push myself and see how far I could run in 43:00 minutes. I set the incline to 1.5%, started at an 8:00 minute pace (7.5) and increased 0.1 every 45 seconds. Outcome: 43:00 minutes = 7.3 miles!!! (sub 6:00 pace overall).
I think I outran my funk!!! (or I’m just too tired to know any different!!)
Now, since I put off grocery shopping and other errand running over the weekend, I’m fixing to head to the dreaded
Good times for sure!!!
Happy Monday (hope you aren’t fighting off the blues, too)!!!
4th day of February = 4x 1 minute wall sits – DONE!!!