Today for my 43 I did a power move! Super fun (and hard)! This past week, Cranky Fitness and Fitknitchick both had posts about the benefits of power moves. I love power moves but probably don’t do them as often as I should.
So, today I used my 14″ step to do box jumps. I jumped up onto the step and then

stepped off. I did all 43 quickly so I could get my heart rate up (soaring!!).
[youtuber youtube=’’]
I’m really trying to be smart as I start running again. I decided that as much as I love my treadmill and running on it, I have a tendency to run too hard on it.
I think the reason I never get bored on it is because I constantly play little games with the time and speed. When I try and just set an easy pace to run – I get BORED. The other day I decided that much as I hate running outside in the cold, I would try it.
Good news? I got to go shopping for some winter running gear!!!
Had a very successful trip! Plus, I got an armband for my iPhone 5 so I could have some music!!! All set! This morning after my 43 and downing about 32oz of water I headed out. A quick stretch:

Again with the pissed-off look (blame it on the sun in my eyes!)

And I’m off. The route I like around the lake (which I haven’t run since summer – thanks hip!) is just over 5.5 miles. I started my watch because I’m anal and even when I’m not planning to run hard I have to know my time! Here are a few of the things I learned today:
- HILLS SUCK!!! (my 1.5 incline is not the same as the hills around the lake!)
- My breathing is off (and loud!)
- It is hard to sing while running – plus I probably looked and sounded like a complete dork (Oh, well – normal!)
- The sand on the streets (from the last snow) is slippery!!!
- The sand when going downhill is dangerous!!! (thankfully no falls – would have been very unhappy to get a rip in my new gear!!!)
- I walked 2x for a total of 7 minutes and I’m going to be fine with that today!
- I’m an idiot and was running sub-8 minute pace (explains the breathing and walking bit) – I’m supposed to be taking it easy!!!
- If I hadn’t stopped and walked when I did the first time, I would have missed this:
Amazing! This isn’t actually a picture I took (far too much trouble to get my phone out of the band) but a lady backing out of her driveway stopped and pointed out a bald eagle sitting on the lake! It was so very awesome! I wish it would have flown so I could see the wing-span but neat to see it sitting, too!
- My little gloves are perfect for the constant running of my nose caused by the cold.
- The sweat from running makes you really cold when you finish the run and walk an easy cool-down.
- I’m going to continue to run outside (even in the winter) but unlike some of the true die-hard winter runners it has to be at least 32 for me! (I’m a wimp and totally OK with that!!!)
- Over-all I enjoyed my run around the lake this morning (even though I still love my treadmill!!!).
Happy Saturday!!!