The final 43 of 2012 involved my

Today I did an L-step to the right with a knee raise and oblique crunch, L-step off the back with a knee raise and oblique crunch, repeat to left side and back = 1 rep.
[youtuber youtube=’′]
You can tell from the video that I included a knee raise and crunch as often as possible. I enjoyed this 43 – it got my heart rate up some but was still low-impact!
I did day 6 of the 12 Days of Fitness – today added in 6 pull-ups. (I had to do the assisted kind!)
Today instead of doing a work-out, I closed out my work-out log for the year. It was a pretty consistent year of working out for me – 291 days!!! (if all I did was the daily 43, that did not count as a work-out day) Only 78 days of running (stupid stress fracture/hip pain!!!) but I did get a total of 694.7 miles so that is 8.9 as a daily average!!! Hopefully I will stay injury free in 2013!!
Some highlights of 2012:
- Quit my job in June (happy & a little sad)
- family trip to Florida in June
- Great Wolf Lodge with boys
- Sam & Stacy up for 4th of July
- family trip to Texas in July – spent lots of time with my 98 year-old Poppa
- Hunter broke his arm (he handled it very well!) – end of July
- family trip to Denver in August
- started this blog in mid September!!
- quick trip to TX – shopping with my sister – early October
- lots of time spent together as a family – Chris wasn’t deployed at all this past year!!!
Looking forward to a great new year in 2013!!!
I’m going to try to remember this quote every day!!! I truly want 2013 to be the year that I live my life in the moment and not spend all of my time looking ahead (or behind)!
Happy end of 2012!!!