Tag Archives: Quick Fix

A Bit of Reality

Today’s 44 was all about the core!!!  I don’t know if this move has a name – twisting leg extension oblique work – or something!!!

Start by lying on your back with your knees bent at 90 degrees.


Twist your knees to the right while keeping the rest of your body still.

to the right
to the right

Extend your legs and reach your left hand to your toes.

extend and reach
extend and reach

Bring your knees back to the center.

back here
back here

Twist your lower body to the left side.

to the left
to the left

Extend your legs and reach your right arm to your toes.


Return to the start and you have complete 1 rep!!  Not gonna lie – I was dying by the last 10 or so – 44 is a lot some days!!!  And – I do like to close my eyes when I work my abs sometimes!!!

I pulled out an old DVD – Quick Fix – Total Mix.  The Quick Fix DVDs are similar to the 10 minute solution workouts but they have more options.  They have 9  different 10 minute segments and you can combine them any way you like.

Today I did the following:

  • Abs Flex
  • Buns Toner
  • Arms & Legs Combo (using 8 pound dumbbells)
  • Abs Crunch
  • Buns Firmer
  • Leg Blaster

Overall this was a good workout.  The only time my heart rate really went up was during the 2 sections with leg work.  I like that in the 2 buns sections there are a few unique moves and the combination of moves is pretty good.  The DVD seems old-school – almost like the Buns of Steel series!

Screen shot 2013-11-08 at 7.03.47 AMYesterday morning Chris and I went to a funeral for one of Chris’ close high school friend’s Dad.  

I was talking to his friend’s wife and she said – “We’re getting old.”  

It’s true!!!  This year alone, we have been to numerous funerals for the parents of our friends.  It is hard to believe that so many of our friends are the Patriarch/Matriarch of their families now!  

I know that as we age, everyone else is also getting older but some days and experiences make the reality come up and smack you in the face!!!

And, I think that no matter how old you get, it is hard to lose your parents!!!  Chris lost his Dad about 14 years ago and his Mom 7 years ago so at the age of 38 he no longer had a parent.

Wow – a bit much for a Friday – sorry,  funerals always make me sort of  reflective!!

Happy Friday!
