Today’s 44 was great for balance work. I did squats with a knee raise.
Start with a dumbbell on one shoulder –

I did all 44 with the right side and then I moved the dumbbell to my left shoulder and did 44 more.

I love moves that provide some toning/strength work but also add in the balance challenge!!
Today was yet another day of Michelle Bridges. I like the program but I don’t think that I will keep doing it every day – too hard to fit in all of the other workouts I want to do.
Some weeks I feel more scattered than others and some days my brain just runs a million directions – today it is all over the place so I thought it would be a great day for some…..
* Thank you so much for all of the great advice on yesterday’s post!! I feel like I have a plan and way to deal with both issues now!!! (Side note: the first couple actually called early this morning and want to meet me AGAIN this morning to “go over details.” I told them that they can drop the contract and full payment in the mail drop and we can meet next week. I had my day already planned and the payment does not have to be hand delivered – plus, I am not going to invest more time until they actually pay.)
* Yesterday we got all the way to 45 degrees and some of the snow finally started melting!!!

* I had my yearly physical on Wednesday and my DR filled out this Heart Quiz on me. I WON!!! Well, maybe those were my words and not hers but still she was impressed! My LDL and HDL were both 79 which she said is amazing!! And my cholesterol was 158.
* My office (dining room table – same thing, right?!) is a complete and utter mess all the time!!!

Good thing we eat on our kitchen table!!!
* I’m thinking about starting a Bridal Bootcamp at our venue. It wouldn’t be just for brides but the name is catchier that way!!! I’m still working on details and ideas.
* Valentine’s Day is mostly just another day to me. My husband knows – I would far rather get a “mushy” card from him on some random day “just because” than a card on a day that society has turned into a commercial holiday! (just my personal opinion)
* Do you read the 3 Cheap Runners blog?
You should if you don’t – they always have some great stuff over there! And today, you really should check it out because while they are sunning themselves on the beach in the Dominican (I’m not jealous – much!) – I’m guest posting!!
OK – enough rambling for one day!!
What is something random in your world right now?
Happy Friday!!!