Tag Archives: self improvement

I’ve Been off Track but It’s Time to Turn Things Around!

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I can’t remember where I saw this last week but it is something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately!!

I feel like when I first started blogging I had a clear cut vision and a goal of trying to be a better version of myself each day.  I took steps every day to try and achieve that goal.

For the past couple of months I feel like I haven’t done a very good job of this at all.  I have been on a downward spiral with no personal improvement.

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Starting today, I’m going to get back on the path to improving myself each day.  I know that a lot of this change will be a mindset –  I need to get back to my positive mindset and let go of a lot of the negativity I’ve been harboring lately!!!

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So, here’s to getting back on track and working each day to become the very best version of me possible!!!

Do you ever feel like you get knocked off track and then struggle along aimlessly?
How do you get back on course?

Happy Monday!!!
