Today’s 43 is compliments of Hunter. I gave the boys free reign to come up with a move and make the video and told them I would get it done! Hunter came up with this whooper of a move. (Chris said Hunter wanted to add more but thankfully, Chris saved me. Hunter said, “she can do it – she did 4300 jumping jacks!”) I think maybe deep down he is proud of me!!!
Anyway, the move is called “the Cube” – I’m not sure why except for the fact that Hunter performed it with his Rubik cube in place.
- jump back to plank
- push-up
- 20x mountain climbers
- push-up
- jump back in
- jump
The above is 1 rep – 43 of these was no joke!!! I struggled to finish all 43 today (maybe because it was 860 mountain climbers and 86 push-ups plus all the jumping!!!
[youtuber youtube=’’]
Thanks, Hunter!!
After the killer “Cube”, I did some Turbo Fire. I did Lower 20 – which is 20 minutes of lower body work using this “cute” band and will leave your legs and hips shaking!!!

Then I did Upper 20 (20 minutes of upper body work – including more push-ups!) using this band:

A great workout to start my day!!!
So, I spent the bulk of yesterday hanging out at the hospital. My dad was in the ICU until about 5:45 or 6:00 in the evening when they finally moved him into a private room. At least then he could sit in a chair for a few minutes. He looked pretty good – he said he wasn’t in pain just really uncomfortable.

One nice thing about my impromptu trip is seeing all of my siblings. The last time all 4 of us were all together was over 2 years ago!!! My younger brother drove in from Levelland and my sister came from Sherman so by mid afternoon we were all together!! I always enjoy catching up with my siblings (in person).

Aunt Jackie & me
Mandi & me
Sam & me
And, while I was hanging out with my brothers, sister, aunt and dad here in Texas, Chris was busy at home!!
Hunter had 4 friends over 4 a sleep-over last night for his birthday. That means a total of 6 boys (counting my 2) + Chris!!! For weeks I had been planning to make a special cake for the event. However, it’s hard to make a cake when you aren’t there!
Chris and Jordan to the rescue:

Can you tell what the cake is? Didn’t they do an awesome job?!
Pretty sure Hunter was happy!

Hunter knew that I had a cake planned but he didn’t know what it was going to be – I think the choice was pretty appropriate for him!!!
And….Look – a close match for my “happy place” –

OK – it’s not really a beach – but it is a lake that I could see from the window in the waiting room!!! Close enough for now!!
Happy Saturday!
PS – I will announce the winner of the I AM FEARLESS necklace tomorrow!!!