Today’s 43 worked my shoulders, hips (with abduction) and definitely challenged my balance!!! I did a combined arm & leg lift to the side.

I had a hard time keeping my balance long enough for Chris to take the picture! And, you know that I can’t just do 43 on my right side – I had to do another set on the left.

I just used a 5 pound dumbbell for this move because I knew that I wouldn’t be able to raise my arm to shoulder height with anything heavier.
At 6:00am I taught a 45 minute bootcamp class (my first one in ages!!). 5 ladies came and hopefully they all got a great workout!!!
After bootcamp, I did Insanity Asylum – Strength. I used heavier weights today than I did the first time through this program and I can already feel the difference in my upper back!!! I figure the only way to get stronger is to push myself so that’s exactly what I’m trying to do!!!
Early mornings used to be my very least favorite thing ever!!!!! When I was in college, it was almost a daily thing for me to roll out of bed 5 minutes before class, pull my hair back (in a bow clip!), throw on sweats, brush my teeth and run to class.
And the infamous snooze button –
I’m pretty sure that I used to hit that thing between 5 & 8 times every day. I would lay in bed and think about what part of my morning routine I could skip if I stayed in bed another 9 minutes!!!
Then, Chris and I got married!! And he is one of those annoying super cheerful morning people!
Yikes!!! We had to come to an agreement –Pretty much, the only time we had a morning conversation was if I initiated it – very RARE!!!
For years, I basically dragged myself out of bed every morning (usually not in a pleasant manner!). Then something happened – after being a stay home mom for 9+ years, I went back to work. And I realized that if I wanted to make sure I got my workout done (and I definitely wanted that), I had to get up early.No more snooze button (that took time out of my workout, you know)!!
And, the beauty of getting up so early, by the time I was actually around people, I had been up long enough that I could be semi-friendly!!!
Now, I find it much easier to get up in the mornings. And, I LOVE how much more productive I feel for the entire day!!! In fact, there are mornings now when Chris is off that I get up before him (that never used to happen)!!!
Are you a morning person? Do you like to talk (or whistle) first thing in the morning or slowly ease into the day (you know by doing Insanity or running 8 miles!!!)?
Happy Monday!!! (8:30am and I have the whole day to enjoy now!!!)