Tag Archives: stay home mom

Do You Know Your Purpose?

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Purpose – the aim or goal of a person : what a person is trying to do, become, etc.  (Merriam-Webster)

There have been many times in my life that I have questioned my purpose.  I spent years going to school,  college and grad school.  I basically have a small collection of degrees that I’ve never really used.

My BS is Chemistry & Biology.
My masters is Sports Medicine.
Then I took graduate classes to get my teaching certification.

I actually used my teaching certification for a few years to teach middle school science.  Then I had Jordan and pretty much overnight became a stay-home mom.

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And I struggled trying to find my purpose.

I know that taking care of Jordan (and later Hunter) was/is important but I always felt like I should be doing more.

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I grew to love my years staying home with my boys and feel blessed that I had the opportunity to be with them every day.

When both boys were in elementary school I took a job as the head secretary/book keeper (still not using any of my education!!) at their school and loved it!!  I made a decision to enjoy all parts of the job and be the best secretary I could be to help all of the teachers/staff and students.

After 5 years I knew it was time to move on because I was bored and not putting 100% into the job anymore.Screen Shot 2014-11-02 at 3.33.36 PM

Now we own a business and because Chris is busy (now more than ever) with his job, I pretty much run the business – the good and bad parts!!!

But, there are many days that I still struggle with knowing what my true purpose is.

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I know that the roles of being Mom to Jordan and Hunter, wife to Chris and business owner are all important and I love that I get to do all those things.

But……sometimes I still feel like I don’t have a purpose.  When I was young I thought I would do something to make a difference in the world.  Now I just hope that at some point I make a difference in someone’s life.

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For some reason, this fall has been one of those major times in my life (sort of like when I became a new mom) that I feel like I’m sort of searching around trying to make sure I have a purpose and that I’m fulfilling that purpose.

Who knows?!  Maybe this is my  mid-life crisis!!Screen Shot 2014-11-02 at 3.47.38 PM

Or maybe I just need to run again!!!

Do you ever struggle with knowing and/or living your purpose?

Happy Monday!
