Today’s 44 was a Pilates based move – the single leg stretch. Just because the name of it has the word stretch, don’t think it wasn’t a challenge!!!

A right leg up and left leg up counted as 1 rep. I tried to keep my toes pointed and my legs straight. Keeping the bottom leg off the ground the entire time and my head and shoulders up made this a great core workout!!!
This week I’ve been
slightly completely obsessing about my race this weekend. Not gonna lie – I’m ready for it to be Monday and the race behind me (is that bad?)!!!
The emotions that I’ve felt this week have ranged from excitement to complete fear of failure!!!
I think that the things I’m the most scared about are
Don’t get me wrong – I love a good rain storm but I do NOT want to run in rain all night long. I think it is supposed to be a little on the cool side which I can handle as long as I’m not wet! Remember – I’m a treadmill runner most of the time!!!
My other biggest fear is my stomach! Running makes my stomach hurt a lot these days!!! Hopefully it won’t be a huge issue!
I would have liked to rest my legs a little more this week – I’m not sure that being on them from 6 am till 4 pm a couple of days (boot camp, cleaning, set-up, ironing…..) was the best plan but it’s what it is these days!!!
I do have a couple of goals – I have thought all week about whether or not to share them and I might as well – I’m pretty much an open book!!!
1. Finish!!!
2. Be the first female.
3. Break 10 hours.
#1 is my main goal but I figure I might as well go big with my other goals!!!
I’m already planning to utilize a run/walk plan during the race – and, for the record, Jordan told me the other day –
“It doesn’t count if you don’t run it all!!!”
Nice!!! Then Chris said he could probably complete 50 miles, too (on foot?!).
Today I’m going to try and make sure that I have everything I need and hopefully get a good night’s sleep before my all-nighter (way to old to lose a night of sleep!!!).
Happy Friday!!!