Today I did another one of the burpees that Taylor at Lifting Revolution included in her cool list of 30 burpees as my 43. This one is called an 8-count burpee.
Jump back to plank position, do a plank jack, perform a push-up then jump in and up.
[youtuber youtube=’’]
(for the record, Jordan wasn’t up until after I did all 43 of my burpees plus my insanity workout – so I was sort-of burpeed out by the time we made the demo!)
Today’s Insanity Asylum was Back to Core. I can tell just from the last time I did this program (last week) that I’m getting stronger through my back!!! A couple of the moves that I could barely eek out the first time, I managed all of today!!!

Today was my 2nd round of Boot Camp. I’m doing a 6 am class on MWF (in my backyard) and a 7 am class TT at the swim beach. (We can’t be on the beach until 7 which worked out because several people interested in boot camp didn’t want to get up for a 6 am workout.)
This was the view we had while working out – The dock goes around 3 sides – inside the dock is safe for swimming!!!

Today wasn’t too hot, just muggy but I have a feeling that later in the summer we might have to end some of our beach workouts with a little dip!!!
4 people came to boot camp today (5 yesterday – so 9 total) – and it was a lot of fun this morning!!! I even got them to let me take a picture after –

It was fun to work out in the sand!! I like the extra challenge and resistance that the sand offers. We all decided to do the workout barefoot so I’m pretty sure that I will have tougher feet by the end of the summer!!!
Gotta say, everything is better at the beach!!! (even a little lake beach in Kansas!) I loved working out in the sand with some friends – not a bad way to start a Tuesday!
Now, if the sun would just cooperate and come out and warm this place up the boys and I could start logging some serious time at my favorite hang-out place in Topeka!!!Hopefully soon!!!!
Do you like to workout (besides running) outside?
Happy Tuesday!!