Tag Archives: weights

Based on a True Story

Today’s 43 was a new to me move and one that I don’t think I will repeat.  It is supposed to work your inner thighs but mostly it was just kind of weird and awkward!!

Start on all 4s with your right leg between your left hand and left knee – 


From the start position, lift your right leg (it’s a really small lift!) and lower it (x43).

lift leg
lift leg

And, of course, I had to switch sides and do the whole thing again!!


It is hard to tell in the pictures how high the lift is – it is only about 2 inches.  Amazing how very heavy your leg can feel when you do an awkward lift like this!!

I decided that I haven’t been getting enough weight work in lately so I’m going to start Chalean Extreme back up!!  Today I did Burn Circuit 1 – lots of lunges, oblique work and lat work!!  I have a feeling that I will be a little sore tomorrow – not a problem since my chest is still sore from the commando push-ups I did  last week!!

And, since it’s Monday, we started a new workout of the week with  Taylor’s challenge.  This week’s workout is a Tabata one (love it!!) – 4 different Tabatas plus a finale of 2 minutes worth of planks!

Screen shot 2013-08-05 at 8.15.39 AMMy favorite movies are the ones based on a true story (usually about a sports team or sports hero)!

Over the weekend we finally watched 42 – The Jackie Robinson Story.  I loved it!!  There were so many great lines in the movie.  One of my favorite lines was when PeeWee said, “Maybe tomorrow we’ll all wear #42, that way they can’t tell us apart.”  Sadly, it took awhile for some of Jackie’s teammates to come around and accept him but there were some truly great moments in the story when they did!Screen shot 2013-08-04 at 8.24.41 PM

Another one of my all time favorite movies is Miracle!  We have probably watched that movie 20 times (or more!).

Screen shot 2013-08-04 at 8.28.58 PMI love the part in the movie where the team has to take the ice right after a game (because they weren’t focused during the game!) and start skating and skating and skating….  My favorite line is when Eruzione says – 

“Mike Eruzione! Winthrop, Massachusetts! I play for the United States of America!”

Classic line!!!  And, I sometimes remind myself when I’m logging lots of miles on my treadmill, “the legs feed the wolf!”

Another family favorite  is Remember the Titans.  I think that we watch at least part of it every time it comes on TV (which is probably at least once every couple of weeks!).  There are so many great quotes and scenes from this movie but I think my favorite is the relationship that developed between Julius and Gary.Screen shot 2013-08-04 at 8.36.30 PMWhen Gary is in the hospital and tells the nurse that Julius is his brother (can’t you see the family resemblance?) – I always get goose bumps!

And the team warm-up is awesome!!

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Rudy is another movie that just makes you feel good!  A story showing the ultimate success of a true underdog with an amazing attitude!!Screen shot 2013-08-04 at 8.44.30 PMI could go on and on with movies based on true stories that I love.  I find them so inspiring and I like movies that we can watch and enjoy as a family!!!

*  8 Seconds
*  Prefontaine
*  October Sky (not sports but an incredible story!)
*  A League of Their Own – “There’s no crying in baseball!”
*  Radio
*  Friday Night Lights (my old stomping grounds during my  high school years!!)
*  Cinderella Man
*  Glory Road
*  The Blind Side
*  Secretariat
*  Soul Surfer

Do you like movies based on a true story?  What is your favorite?

Happy Monday!!


Even Adults Need a Time-Out Sometimes!!

Today for my 43, I wanted to do something with weights since I haven’t in awhile.  I did a bicep curl and plie squat at the same time – basic moves but it felt good!!

down & curl
down & curl
stand & squeeze
stand & squeeze

I used 12 pound dumbbells and that was a challenge by the last 10 or so!!!

Today I finally did the first round of this week’s challenge workout with Taylor.  This one is 3 circuits – as many reps as possible during the time.  Circuit 1 – 10 minutes, circuit 2 – 8 minutes and circuit 3 – 6 minutes.  It was pretty challenging (especially circuit 3 which was 4 different burpees – 5 reps each for the whole time and yes, 6 minutes is a long time to do nothing but burpees!!!).  

Since it is already Thursday and I’m just now starting this week’s workout, I will do it the next 2 days also!!  I like to space things better but you do what you have to do!!!

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If you have kids, work with kids or read anything about kids then I’m sure you have heard of the “Time-Out” concept.  When our boys were younger, we didn’t call it time-out but they did have something similar on occasion.

Last night by the time we got home and unloaded the car, I needed to be put in time-out.  I was CRANKY!!!Screen shot 2013-08-01 at 8.51.53 AMI was tired of being cooped up and ready to not be around anyone (especially my family) for a few minutes!!  I know that sounds harsh but give me a break – we just spent 2 straight days in the car for 22 hours!!!  Plus, I still had to unpack (cause I hate to leave it – I have issues!) and figure out something for dinner.

Screen shot 2013-08-01 at 8.37.41 AMI was going to try to get to the grocery store and, of course, Chris wanted to go with me.  What?!  We just spent the last 2 days  together non-stop, I think I will go alone!!!  (See, cranky!!  Usually I like it when Chris and I run errands together.)

Chris ended up pouring me a glass of wine Screen shot 2013-08-01 at 8.57.23 AMand running to the store for a few things by himself!!  

So, not a true “time-out”Screen shot 2013-08-01 at 8.37.25 AMbut good for everyone.  I enjoyed a few minutes to myself and we still had a much healthier dinner than the past few days on the road!  Plus, I quit snapping at everyone.

Moral – adults can occasionally benefit from time-outs – usually we even put ourselves in them – just don’t forget the whine/wine!!!

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Do you ever feel like you could benefit from a time-out?

Happy Thursday!!!
