Today I used my one of my bands for my 44 and did a slow bicycle crunch. Using the band and going through the moves slowly made this a great move for my abs and also a nice bicep workout!!
I counted a right side crunch and a left side crunch as 1 rep so it was really 88 crunches.
The workout for Insanity the Asylum vol.2 was the Championship plus Sudden Overtime (Fit Test). Not gonna lie – I was dreading this one!!! But – it wasn’t horrible! It was about an hour and during the last 10 minutes you do the fit test part – as many rounds as possible during 3 minutes.
I actually think this workout was a little easier than the Game Day one that was part of the first Insanity the Asylum!!!
All day yesterday I had a dull ache in my tooth/gums on the left side of my mouth. I ignored it because that’s what I do!!!
Then last night at about 11:30 I woke up (I had probably been sleeping about an hour) in pain!!!
The entire left side of my mouth hurt (not just a little) and even my left ear and my throat. I propped myself up and tried reading thinking maybe I would fall back asleep because ignoring things makes them go away or something!!!
Finally around 1:30 I couldn’t handle it any more so I went in search of something to take.
Thankfully we had some hydrocodone from a previous injury or surgery (don’t know and didn’t care – just needed some relief!!) and I took one. It finally kicked in around 2:15 – less than 3 hours before my alarm would be going off – nice!! As long as I stayed propped up, the pain was back to just a manageable/ignorable level.
At 5:00 when I got up, it was just a dull ache (like yesterday) so I figured there was no reason to put off the fun of Insanity!!!
My dilemma is what to do – I don’t even think our dentist works on Fridays but I don’t want to experience another night like last night – Oy!!!
What would you do? Ignore it and hope it just goes away (that could totally happen, right?!)?
Happy Friday!!!