Today I did a push-up for my 43 – but not just a regular push-up!! I used a stability ball
for an added challenge. And it was definitely a challenge!!!

By the time I finished all 43, my arms were shaking and I’m lucky I didn’t bust my face!!! Trying to support yourself on the ball really elevates a push-up!!! Plus, you have to keep your hands fairly close together and end up working your triceps a lot, too.
I also did my 3rd round of this week’s challenge with Taylor. I really enjoyed this week’s workout because it was Tabata – 4 rounds plus a finishing plank set. I love Tabata because it is easy to tell myself that I can go 150% for 20 seconds!!!
We have been home from Florida for about a week and a half and most of those days have been cloudy and either unseasonably cool or extremely muggy. What they haven’t been is SUNNY!!!
I have missed the sun and the beach!!!
This past week has been busy since we are getting ready for school to start on Tuesday – eye appointments, orthodontist appointments,
some shopping,
band camp for Jordan,
hair-cuts, and just normal everyday life activities.
What hasn’t been included is any sun and beach time!!! And I miss it!!! The sun is shining this morning and will hopefully stay out today so that the afternoon can include a little bit of my favorite activity

Happy Saturday!!!