Sometime when I pick the 43 for the day I don’t really think it through very well and I misjudge how HARD it is going to be!!! Today was a prime example!
The 43 was a wall sit (which would have been plenty by itself!!!) with a bicep curl to a shoulder press. Why????? To use one of Hunter’s sayings – I’m a “dunderhead.” (I don’t have any idea what that means but it cracks me up when he says it!!!)

I started out with 10 pound dumbbells in each hand. After the first 23 I decided to lower to 8 pounds. So, instead of doing 43 straight through, I did 23, quick change of weights, then 20 more. My legs were on fire!!! It was awesome!

After the torture challenge, I decided to break the rules a little and run because RUNNERS RUN!!!
I ran 4 miles in 24:20 and then did 2.5 at a much easier pace with a steep incline. I figure if I don’t run too many miles then it doesn’t really count!
Gotta get going – full day of errands to catch up after subbing all week!
Have a super Wednesday!!!