Tag Archives: influence

Who Helped Make You the Person You Are Today?

For my 43 today I did a side plank with a front reach – pretty much just what it sounds like.


I really liked this move – I could feel it in my core, hips and shoulders!!!  And, you know that I had to flip and do a set of 43 on the other side!!

second side
second side

I tried to make sure and keep my hips lifted the entire time – I was shaking by the end of each set – success!!!

I also started up Garage boot camp this morning!  It has to be in the garage because at 6:00am it is dark outside now.  I just have a few ladies who asked me if we could keep going with boot camp even though summer is over so we are going to try it for awhile.  Today we did a repeat boot camp –  ABC Boot Camp!!!

After boot camp, I did a super quick run before taking Hunter to school.  Treadmill at 1.5% incline – 3 miles fast + 1 cool down mile for a total of 4 miles in 30:05.  I’m sure Hunter was thrilled to hop in the car with his sweaty mom!!

Screen shot 2013-08-26 at 10.00.30 PMWe all have people in our lives that have helped mold us into the person we are today.  It might be your parents,

Screen shot 2013-08-26 at 10.02.22 PMa teacher, Screen shot 2013-08-26 at 10.03.21 PM

a coach, Screen shot 2013-08-26 at 10.04.48 PM

or any other person who has been a major influence in your life.

Some of you might be sitting there thinking – “Yep, I know exactly the person who has helped shape me into who I am.”  Others are probably thinking that there are too many different people and you can’t pick just one.  And, some of you might not know yet who you would credit with helping you develop into the person you are or want to be.

For me, I know exactly who has made me the person that I am – my grandparents!!!

Mema & Poppa
Mema & Poppa

Growing up, I spent every second I could with my grandparents – when we lived in other states it was harder but I loved and cherished every visit!!!

The summer before I started 9th grade, my parents got a divorce.  I lived with my grandparents that summer (and many after!).  Poppa taught me the things that my dad wasn’t around to teach me – how to build a book shelf, how to weed-eat, how to kill a rattle snake (I lived in west TX!!), how to drive, how to swim – the list could go on and on.

And, Mema taught me about life!!  She never met a stranger – from the check-out clerk at the grocery store, to the security guard at the mall, the small children at church and the oldest neighbor on the block – she would talk to anyone about pretty much anything.

Mema & Poppa
Mema & Poppa

Mema always wanted to look at the person/people in the picture not the camera!!!  In all of our wedding pictures she is looking at me because she said everyone should look at the bride – at the time I didn’t totally understand – now I do and I think it is one of the best wedding gifts I received!

Poppa showed me every day the meaning of a true work ethic.  He was still working at 80+ because he loved being able to get out there and do things.  He taught me that any job – no matter how big or small – should be done to the very best of my abilities.  I try to live up to that standard today in all of my endeavors.

Because of issues/factors that I haven’t ever mentioned on my blog, my mom is not the person that I really ever tried to please.  However, any time that I felt like I let my grandparents down, I was devastated.  In fact, several years during my early 20s are the only period in my life that I didn’t talk at least once a week with Mema – and that was because I knew she didn’t approve of all of my choices and I hated knowing that I was disappointing her!!!

Mema & Poppa
Mema & Poppa

The biggest thing I learned from my grandparents was how to really love someone.  They showed me true love every day of their lives!  They loved each other completely with no reservations and they loved me that same way.  There was never a second that I ever doubted the love my grandparents had for me.  Because of that love, I was able to open myself up to the love of a great guy – Chris, now my husband of 17+ years!

I’m blessed beyond belief to have had the amazing grandparents that I did.  Even though they are no longer with me, I know that the lessons I learned from them will remain and be something I continue to strive towards every day!!!

Who made you the person you are today?  What is the biggest thing you learned from them?

Happy Tuesday!!!
