Tag Archives: lists

My Top Tip for Productivity

I used 2 of my new mini wobble balls today for the 44 – 

aren't they fun?
aren’t they fun?

I decided to just do a basic squat while trying (key word!!) to stay balanced!!

see how unstable my feet are?
see how unstable my feet are?
balanced (for now)

This was a fun way to get in some squats (44 of them) – the balance challenge makes it completely different!!!

Today was also a running day (gotta watch The Bachelor so I kill 2 birds at the same time!!!).  1.5% incline – 9 miles – 63:31

Watching mindless TV (like The Bachelor) makes the time go by very quickly!!!

Screen Shot 2014-02-18 at 7.00.12 AMI think that we all want to be as productive as possible (at least most days) but there are times when we are completely overwhelmed by everything we need (or want) to do.

My #1 way to increase Screen Shot 2014-02-18 at 7.00.01 AMis by making lists – lots and lots of lists!!!

Screen Shot 2014-02-18 at 6.50.43 AMI have tried making lists on my iPad with different apps but those lists just don’t give me the same satisfaction as a list on a plain note-pad.

Screen Shot 2014-02-18 at 7.04.03 AMI put everything on lists – simple things (workout, blog, pay bills…..), projects,  ideas for my daily 44, grocery lists, recipes to make in the upcoming week or two – pretty much all of the stuff that clutters my mind goes on a list.  

I know that some people think it wastes time to write stuff down before you do it but for me it helps keep me focused and I find it very rewarding every time I can cross something off!!!

And, there have been many times that I’ve done something and then added it to the list just for the privilege of marking it off!

Are you a list maker?
What is your top tip for productivity?

Happy Tuesday!!!


Off Kilter

Today I used my favorite piece of equipment (again!) – 


For the 44 I did a plank with my toes on the BOSU. 

ready to go
ready to go

I alternated stepping one foot off –

right foot off
right foot off

then back on and the other foot off.

left foot off
left foot off

I counted a right and left step-off as 1 rep.  About half-way through the 44 I started thinking that I should have timed it so I could see how long I stayed in plank – oh, well – I know it was long enough that my arms were shaking!!!

I decided to run again today.  I’m enjoying just running to run again!!!  I did 6 miles in 44:19 at 1.5% incline and then 2.25 more miles at a super easy pace.  

Screen shot 2013-10-26 at 9.36.35 AMLately, for some reason, I feel a little off-kilter.  I think it is a combination of the things that I need to get done and all of the extra activities the boys have this year.  

Screen shot 2013-10-26 at 9.40.03 AM

We have always had family dinner – typically around 6:00pm – this is a great way to reconnect after being out and about all day.  Lately, it is rare for everyone to be able to eat at the same time – I feel like we eat in pairs.  This past week we only had dinner together 2 times!!!  (Hooray for my crock pot so that dinner is ready at multiple times!!!)

my "office"
my “office”

Lately, our dining room table is just a mess.  It is my home “office” and the piles are driving me insane.  The problem is, my list keeps growing but my motivation is not keeping up with the To-Dos!!!

Last night I was home alone for the entire evening and I didn’t do a single productive thing – I watched mindless TV (have you seen that 4 Secret Princes Show?), spent hours playing on my laptop (not work stuff!!!), added more blogs to my feed (not sure why since I can barely keep up with the ones I already had!!).  

So, I guess I will make another list for the day and hope that today is the day I actually make some progress and get back on track!!!

Screen shot 2013-10-26 at 9.52.58 AMAnd, I always add stuff after I do it just for the happiness that comes from seeing stuff marked off!!!

Happy Saturday!!!
