Abdominal Training Epiphany!!!

My 43 today was nice – it was core work but also a semi-stretch!!!  I used a stability ball to hold plank on my forearms.


From the start position, I just did a plank roll – I rolled forward on the ball (you have to hold your abs in tight here so that they don’t rest on the ball!)

pull the abs in - don't cheat!
pull the abs in – don’t cheat!

and then back on the ball for each rep.

apparently closing your eyes helps!
apparently closing your eyes helps!

The biggest challenge in this 43 was keeping my balance on the ball while staying in plank.  I tried to keep my body level (feet a little wider helps!).

Today I did a Boot Camp workout for the rest of my workout.  I used one of the 10 Minute Solution DVDs (love these) – Ultimate Boot Camp and did all 5 sections for a really great workout.

If you have never tried any of the 10 Minute Solution DVDs, I highly recommend them.  They are great if you just have 20-30 minutes since you can do a couple of the sections.  I also like them as a complete workout – all 5 sections.

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The 5th (and final) section today was Six Pack Ab Attack.  Because I was tired by that point I had to really focus on putting 100% into it.  Then I started thinking about all of my ab/core work.  It is at the end of my workout usually.  I can’t think of a single workout DVD that I’ve done that has ab work at the beginning (or even during the middle) – always the end.

As I struggled (no other word today) through the ab training I decided that I’m going to try mixing up my ab work some and putting it at the beginning of a workout when I’m fresh!  I did a little research about why abdominal work is usually at the end of the workout – the biggest reason seems to be the fact that so many exercises require you to use your core and if you have already trained your abs then you might not be able to perform the exercise safely.

But, I’m still planning to try and change it up some.  I’m always exhausted by the time I really focus on my abs so I want to see if it makes a difference training them first.

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not my abs – I WISH!!!

When do you work your abs/core – beginning or end of a workout?


Happy Fun Friday!!!


Is a Dehydrator a Good Investment?

Check out the sunrise this morning:

love the pink!
love the pink!

OK – onto the 43 – This was one of those that ended up being more challenging than I had thought it would be! I did a lunge with a twist while holding a medicine ball.

Start standing with ball at chest.


Step into lunge with right leg and push ball straight in front of you.

right lunge - ball extended
right lunge – ball extended

Twist to right while staying in lunge.


Return to front lunge, stand and bring ball back to chest for 1 rep.  After doing 43 with my right leg, I still had another set of 43 with the left!!!

left lunge
left lunge
more twisting
more twisting

I think that the hardest part of this was keeping my arms up.  I used an 8 pound medicine ball and it was hard to keep pushing my arms out and twisting!!

I decided to do a Les Mills Combat workout today – Combat 60 Ultimate Cardio Fighter!  Always a good workout and a quick 60 minutes!!!  I also did Turbo Fire – Abs 10 to get a little core work.

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So, I’ve been doing some research into dehydrators.  I’m trying to decide if it is something that I would use.  I know that the boys would like things like dried mangos and other fruits.  What I’m really wondering is if I could use dehydrated food to get rid of my chip addiction!!!

I love potato chips but I don’t love having a jiggle around my middle when I run!!  Therefore, potato chips have to go!!!  I need other  (healthier) snack options! Screen shot 2013-03-21 at 9.12.48 AMAny thoughts on dehydrators?  Do you have one? (and do you use it if you do??) 

Happy Thursday!!!  (Yikes – spring break is flying by!!)


Spring (or not) & a Special Movie Viewing

Today’s 43 was a quick cardio based one.  I did a jump jack squat with a toe touch.

Start with feet together and both hands straight up.  Jump to a squat and touch left toe with right hand while keeping left hand up – jump feet together – switch sides  = 1 rep.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cw5mNakvJMk’]

I guess I didn’t touch my toes in the video – downside of making the demo at the end of my workout!!!  I did the 43 first thing but the boys are enjoying sleeping in since it’s spring break so the demo was after a couple  sweaty hours of work!!!

I realized recently that I had been slacking off with weight training so I’m working on that!  Today I did another Jari Love DVD – Get Ripped to the Core.  This is one that is just strength training – I think there are about 8-9 different tracks and all are high reps!!  I really like the fact that Jari incorporates multiple muscle groups into each track!!

After lifting I hopped on the treadmill for a quick run.  1.5% incline for the first 4 miles (24:19) then gradually higher incline for the next 2.5 miles (much slower pace for these).

Is it spring???  Yesterday morning about 11:00 it started snowing here!  Where did that come from?  The forecast was for a 30% chance of rain during the afternoon – Oops!!  Thankfully it was about 34 so nothing was sticking.  As the afternoon went on, the temperature dropped a little so by 3:00 it looked like this outside:

huge snowflakes (3:00 pm)
huge snowflakes (3:00 pm)

(If I knew how to use my camera better, maybe I could have gotten a picture of the actual snowflakes – they were enormous!!!)  At least it was warm enough that nothing was sticking on the streets!

By 6:30 the area looked like this:

same view  - same day 6:30 pm
same view – same day 6:30 pm

Crazy!!!  I like this look much better!  Now, if it would just warm up!!!

I’m not sure if y’all all know this but yesterday the Hobbit was released on DVD.  Screen shot 2013-03-20 at 9.12.05 AM

This was a big deal in our house!  Jordan loves Lord of the Rings and actually did his History Day project on J.R. Tolkien.

History Day Display - my sweet boy/man
History Day Display – my sweet boy/man

So, to celebrate this event we planned an entire Hobbit themed meal/feast around the viewing!!

before the mess
before the mess

(Yes, those are jelly beans – the Starburst ones that only come out during this time of year!!)  The best part about this – the boys helped with all of the work!!!

rolling pins - not my strong suit!
rolling pins – not my strong suit!

We had lots of fun making everything and then enjoyed the feast.

Jordan helped pick out all of the recipes based on different aspects of the movie.

  • Dragon Breath Chili (hot as dragon’s fire) – as an appetizer (I put this in the crock pot) this was pretty spicy but had great flavor!
  • Lembas (Elvish) Bread – this was actually really  good – no sugar in it because it uses honey
  • Mixed Vegetables Meduseld (this has something to do with the King of Rohan)
  • Balin’s Spiced Beef (also in a crock pot) – nice flavor – apple cider, cinnamon, cloves
  • Victorian Cherry Turnover – no picture of these – this was the hardest part of the meal to make – rolling out the dough was a struggle but the boys were all happy with the final product!

Hobbit Feast


The picture doesn’t do it justice!!  It was quite a Hobbit feast (because apparently that is a huge part of the movie)!

After the feast (and clean-up), Chris and the boys watched the movie.  I did not – I haven’t seen any of the Lord of the Rings movies – so not my thing!!!  (I got caught up on Dancing with the Stars instead.)

Anyone else turn the release of a new movie into an event??

Happy Wednesday!


Am I a Real Runner if I Have Never Run a Marathon??

Today I used a medicine ball for my 43.  I put my hands on the ball and got into plank position.


Then  I stepped my right foot out to the side, back to center and my left foot out to the side and back to center for 1 rep.

step right foot out then back in
step right foot out then back in
feet together
feet together
now left foot
now left foot

It took me 2:20 minutes of holding plank (with my hands on a ball!) to complete this 43!

I tried another new (to me) workout today.  Cathe – Turbo Barre.  On the cover of this DVD it says Low Impact Series.  Don’t let that fool you into thinking this was easy!  WOW!!!  The pain burning in my hips, thighs and butt at points in this workout was no joke!!  I’m pretty sure that I will feel everything about this workout   tomorrow!  At one point, I think we spent at least 5-7 minutes up on our toes while squatting with our feet in various positions.  

I don’t have a barre but this barstool worked perfectly!!

just as good as a barre
just as good as a barre

I’m pretty sure that this will become one of my go-to choices for days when I don’t want any running or jumping but still want an incredible workout!!

Screen shot 2013-03-19 at 7.42.38 AMI started running in high school.  I also competed in college and when I was in grad school I spent a lot of time doing various road races from 5K – half marathon.  Since then, I have only run a handful of races – a few 5Ks and a 10-miler.

I have trained for several different marathons during my running career but never even started one – first one I was in college and really sick and the next 2 (maybe 3, I’ve blocked some!) I ended up with stress fractures and had to stop running entirely.

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Sometimes now I wonder – Am I a real runner?  I haven’t even run  a marathon.  I have run more than 26.2 miles in a single run but does that count?  I’m not sure at this point if I will ever run a true marathon – I would like to but for me right now, just being able to run is enough!!!

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On a completely different note – Since it’s spring break (and yesterday was probably the nicest weather we will have all week), we decided to play tennis when Chris got home from work.  After about 30 minutes, Jordan and I decided to walk/jog home – (about 2.5 miles or so around the lake).


Jordan decided to sprint a little!!
Jordan decided to sprint a little!!

It was a fun just hanging with Jordan for a bit and getting a little fresh air!


What do you think makes someone a “real” runner?  Distance, speed, time,  cool running gear…?

Happy Tuesday!!


March Madness

The 43 today worked my quads, butt and balance!!!  I did a single leg squat with the opposite leg crossed over.

ok, goofy
Start (with a big grin)
what??? BALANCE!!
umm….try again!
and down
and down

I held the squat for a 2-count then stood and repeated x 43.  Of course, I had to get both legs.

wow - looks painful
wow – looks painful

Between the balance and the hold – this was a challenging 43!!

Since I’m not in the middle of any  long-term programs right now (although Jordan told me this morning that I should do Insanity again – maybe in April) I have been trying to really mix it up with my workouts.  Today I decided to go with a Jari Love DVD.  I have quite a few of her workouts and I think they are all good!  I especially love the ones that combine strength training with cardio intervals.  Her weight training ones are good because they focus on really high reps (like 75-100 of some moves).

Today I did Jari Love Get Extremely Ripped 1000 Hardcore. (I think this was my first time doing this workout.)  Talk about madness!!!  You can break the program into 2 different 30-minute workouts, or do just the cardio or just the strength segments.  I went with the whole thing – 75 minutes.  Yikes!!!  The strength training sections are all combo moves so my heart rate stayed up even during that part.  (and lots of reps!)  The cardio was definitely HIIT!!  In all of her programs (the ones I’ve done anyway), Jari keeps the moves simple so you don’t have to worry about any fancy choreography – you can use a step or not.  I used my 8″ one (the bottom part).  Lots of jumping up and down from step to floor!!!

14" double step (the Transfirmer)
14″ double step (the Transfirmer)

At one point, Hunter walked through the room  and I could barely say – Good morning – sign of a great workout!!!!

Since yesterday was St. Patrick’s day (not that we are Irish), I thought it would be fun to do a themed meal.  We had Irish Soda Bread (not my favorite at all!), green mac & cheese (thanks to a spinach sauce), cabbage and sausage (I loved the cabbage!!) and some really special green cookies!!



St. Patrick's Day Feast

The boys made the cookies (food coloring & all)!

Look delicious, right?
Look delicious, right?

Sort-of fun to do meals with a theme!  Hopefully these are good memories that my boys will keep forever!!!

College basketball is one of my favorite sports to watch!!!  And, I love March Madness!!!  Tonight, we will all 4 fill out our brackets so we are ready to go.Screen shot 2013-03-18 at 9.44.40 AMThis has been a fun family tradition since Jordan was in kindergarten (I think this is our 9th year!).  We keep track of who wins the most in each round, the most overall and of course the Championship  game!

Even though my team (Texas Longhorns) aren’t in the tournament this year, there are plenty of other Big 12 teams for me to root for (plus Duke!!).

Do you fill out a bracket?  What team are you cheering on?

Happy Monday!  It’s spring break for us!!  (hopefully we get some nice spring weather and not the cold/snow that is predicted!)
