Leaving On a Jet Plane

Today I used my band for my 44.  I did a side bend with a leg lift and pulled my arm up at the same time.  (It’s a bit like a cartoon act to see the pictures but….)

crunch to right while lifting left leg
crunch to right while lifting left leg

I did all 44 with my left leg and then switched sides and did 44 more.

crunch left while lifting right leg
crunch left while lifting right leg

I barely tapped my toe as I stood straight between each rep – this was a move that I felt in my obliques and hips way before I finished all of my reps!!!

And – Day #4 in a row for a run!!!  1.5% incline – 8 miles – 61:20 + 0.6 miles cool down.

I’m fixing to date myself but I LOVE John Denver!!!

So this morning, Jordan was up at 2:00 am (which meant Chris and I were up!!!) because they had to be at the high school by 2:45 to leave for Los Angeles, CA today.  His flight isn’t until 9 something but some of the flights were closer to 6 and they wanted everyone to go to the airport together.

he sure looks peppy for the middle of the night!!
he sure looks peppy for the middle of the night!!

I know that he is super excited and going to have a ton of fun!!  They have SO MUCH packed into the next 5 days.  2 of the days will be spent at….

Screen Shot 2014-03-13 at 6.56.51 AMThis will be Jordan’s first time to go to Disney and I think he is looking forward to it.

At some point they do actually have a band event – they are playing at the Americana in Glendale, CA.Screen Shot 2014-03-13 at 6.59.31 AMPretty swanky!!!

Bye, Babe - have a great trip!!!
Bye, Babe – have a great trip!!!

I hope you all sing John Denver all day!!

A little Rocky Mountain High!!!

Happy Thursday!!



Today’s challenge for #happyfitmarch was to do 15 minutes of yoga.  Well, I don’t do a lot of yoga but I decided to combine a few things to meet the goal.

For my 44 I used a small wobble ball and stepped into Warrior II.

step and hold (foot on wobble ball)
step and hold (foot on wobble ball)

By holding in the down position and then pushing off of the ball of my foot to return to the start, I got a great quad workout!!!  And, of course, I had to do another set of 44 o my left leg.


After completing all of my reps here (about 5 minutes of yoga!), I did Jillian Micheals Yoga Meltdown, Level 1.  This took about 35 minutes so I got 40 minutes of yoga!!!

I also ran a nice easy 5K + 0.5 miles cool down.  

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The first time I saw this acronym was probably 5 years ago and I actually had it on my desk at work to remind me to THINK first, then speak.

However, over the past few years I have gotten out of the habit of using this before I speak (or write for that matter).

The T part is the easiest for me because I can’t tolerate lying.  

The other letters are far more challenging and something I need to start reminding myself of daily (actually multiple times a day!!!).

Because I’m going to really work on using this before I speak/write I’m not going to say anything about the event we had last night other than the fact that it was a huge lesson learned.

Here is a picture of Chris and I during the event –

at our venue
at our venue

Notice anything different about Chris??  It is mustache March – the entire Air Force is supporting this – Good Times!!!

Do you THINK before you speak?

I feel like I will talk a lot less if I really apply the THINK rule before I speak!!!

Happy Wednesday!!!


Jumbled Thoughts and a Bit of Stress

Today I combined the daily challenge for #happyfitmarch with my 44.  The challenge today was to see how many burpees we could do in 2 minutes.  I added in my BOSU to make the burpees more “fun.”

I got 25 in 2 minutes and then kept going until I finished all 44.  These were hard – a push-up on the BOSU and then a jump while lifting the BOSU overhead!!!

I ran again today – if my Achilles will hold up, I’m going to try and get 5 days in a row!!!  Today was 1.5% incline – 8 miles in 61:24 and then 0.8 miles nice and easy!!

I have so many things floating around in my head that I want to write about but I don’t even know how to put them all down.  Just a few random thoughts:

*  I’m happy that we had a nice 70+ degree day yesterday!!  Almost beach season!!!

my favorite
my favorite

*  Tonight we are “hosting” an event but the person in charge hasn’t even contacted me in weeks.  I’m a bit stressed about set-up times and what she is planning since she is emailing all of the vendors that will be coming, yet she hasn’t touched base with me.  

*  Jordan leaves on a band trip in 2 days.  I’m trying not to have a melt-down about it but it is hard to send my 15 year old across the country with 200+ kids.

*  I’m struggling to fit in the time I really want to spend blogging and all the other things that are going on.  It is hard for me to mark tons of blogs in my BlogLovin as read at the end of the day because I simply can’t get to all of them.

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*  I guess the underlying theme here is STRESS!!!  Gotta work on letting that go a bit!!!

Thankfully next week is spring break and after Jordan gets home from his trip we have a fairly low key week planned!!!

What is causing you stress these days?

Happy Tuesday!


Open or Closed?

Today’s 44 was a lunge but because I held a dumbbell overhead (15 pounds) I also got some nice core work.

right lunge
right lunge
Left lunge
Left lunge

I counted a right and left as 1 rep so it was a total of 88 lunges while holding the 15 pounds overhead!!!

I did The Biggest Loser 8 Minute DVD – this is actually an hour because there are 7 total sections.  I like the format – each section is 8 minutes and you do 11 different moves for 30ish seconds followed by a 10 second rest.  Plenty of strength work but you will also get your heart rate up!

I’m planning to go outside for a run later today – it is supposed to get into the mid-70s!!!  Can’t wait!!!!

Curtains, blinds, shades – whatever window coverings you have – do you open them every day or keep them closed?

Living room windows/doors
Living room windows/doors

With the time change it is still dark outside right now but I have already opened up the house for the day.  I love to have natural light and by the time I get back from taking the boys to school it will be light!!!

Lately, driving around, I’ve noticed that lots of people keep their house closed up during the day – every single window is covered.

If our blinds were down, I would miss scenes like this gorgeous sunset from the other night when it was too cold to be outside.

gorgeous sunset
gorgeous sunset

And, much as I’m not a fan of the snow and gray days, I still want to be able to see outside when I’m hibernating!!!


So, are you an open or closed kind of person???

Happy Monday!!!


BTW – Hunter got 2nd in his competition yesterday!!!  (and it wasn’t just 7th grade – it was all middle school)  His first cash prize!!!  

A Big Day for my “Little” Boy

Today’s 44 was a fun push up move – using 2 small wobble balls and a medicine ball.

I flipped them over today
I flipped them over today

I put my hands on the small balls (out sort-of wide) and both feet on 1 medicine ball –

ready - hard to hold this position!
ready – hard to hold this position!

The daily challenge for #happyfitmarch was to do as many push-ups as you could in 2 minutes.  I decided to combine my 44 with the challenge.  I did a total of 58 push-ups in the 2 minutes!

Today is a day full of cello for Hunter.  

He has his Philharmonic Orchestra concert this afternoon.  This is a full orchestra made up of mostly middle school kids in Topeka and surrounding areas.  Hunter has enjoyed this even though it is a big time commitment on top of his cello lessons, cello group and sports at school.


Tonight is the final for the Topeka Young Musician Awards.  Hunter had to submit a video to enter this contest.  He is one of four 7th grade stringed instruments competing in his category.  (I’m not sure how many submitted videos but only 4 advanced to tonight’s performance.)

This will be Hunter’s first solo in front of a large group and I know he is nervous but he will do great.  He has practiced and is ready!

(Hunter’s submission video.)

Good luck, Hunter!!!  I know that you will be awesome!!!

Happy Sunday!
