Today’s 43 was fun!! Just 2 simple parts: plank

then push back to a pike.

The work comes on the way back down to the plank – you have to really hold your core muscles tight to stop yourself so that you are level (no droopy butts here!!).

I tried to keep the movements nice and smooth – not super fast – so that I could get max benefit from this exercise. I timed this 43 and it took 2:38 to complete all the reps.
Definitely a move I recommend trying!!!
Then, I pulled out one of my old-school TaeBo DVDs. I did Total Body Fat Blaster and it was HARD. For this workout, you use bands that slip onto each foot. (I took out the 1 pound weights inside of mine and still struggled!)I’ve always enjoyed TaeBo and today was no exception. This workout was 55 minutes of cardio and toning all tied together. My arms are still shaking from all of the tension the bands provide!!
A friend had this on FB the other day and I thought it was too good not to share!!!
Some of the other “facts” I have learned over the years:
- You can’t keep your eyes open when you sneeze.
- If you do manage to sneeze with your eyes open, your eyeballs will pop out!
- If you cross your eyes, they could get stuck in that position.
- Almost all dust is actually human skin cells that have been shed.
- It is not possible to tickle yourself no matter how ticklish you are.
- You can’t hum when your nose is plugged.
- Cracking your knuckles causes arthritis.
Do you know which of he above “facts” are real and which are myths?
Happy Saturday!!! (don’t you feel smarter or at least happier for reading the silly facts?!)