This week was pretty light on the workout front. But I did get in some really fun 45s!!!
Sunday 10/19 – 45 side lunge (stay in wide position between).

I did all 45 to the left (just returning to the middle position in between. Then switched and did 45 to the right.

Monday 10/20 – 45 BOSU balances (start with hands on BOSU, feet on ground – raise right arm to side and left leg, hold then switch to left arm and right leg for 1 rep).

This move was HARD!!! I like it because it worked everything – triceps, shoulders, core, butt, quads, hamstrings….
I tried to run – 3 miles in 25:40 and then realized that my leg is hurt more than I thought so I ended up walking 4.5 miles with an incline.
Tuesday 10/21 – 45 twisting elbow planks (twist right, then left = 1 rep).

Return to middle then twist the other way –

This move was hard – 45 complete reps ended up being a long time to stay in a plank!!!!
I did a workout that I hadn’t done in a long time and it ended up being great – The Firm: Cardio Fusion. The workout uses these little balls –

I will definitely be doing this workout again!!!
Wednesday 10/22 – 45 twisting frog crunches with weighted (5 pound) punches. (right-left = 1 rep)

Return to the ready position and then go the other way –

I did another workout that I’ve always enjoyed – Cross Training for Fitness.
Thursday 10/23 – 45 back bow cross-over. This move is one I had never seen before until Nellie (Brooklyn Active Mama) showed it as her Weekly Wednesday workout. (another one where right-left = 1 rep)

While in the up position, move your arms to other side –

I might have adapted it a little (I used a wobble ball as my cross-over object instead of a yoga block) but this was a really good move!!!
Thanks to Hunter for doing the pictures for me on Friday morning since no one was around when I did the move Thursday!!!
Friday 10/24 – 45 leg abductions while balancing on upside down wobble ball.

I managed all 45 with my left leg without tapping my toe down – I wobbled and looked like a goof but…..

On this leg, I ended up tapping my toe down 2 times during the reps – my left leg balance isn’t as strong!!!
Saturday 10/25 – 45 stability ball side crunches.

After completing the first set of 45, I flipped over and did 45 more.

I’m hoping that next week I can get back to working out the way I like to work out!!!
Happy Saturday!