Category Archives: BOSU

150th Day = 150 Minutes of Running!!!

Today I decided to use my BOSU again for the 43.  This time, I combined it with my stability ball to have double the torture benefit!!!BOSU & Stability BallThe set-up was a bit tricky – legs on stability ball and support yourself with your arms on the BOSU.  I had a hard time extending my legs all the way (without rolling off!!) so I kept a slight bend in them.  If Once you manage to get in position, then the true fun begins – push-ups!!!!  43 hard push-ups!!!

[youtuber youtube=’’]

I know that it looks like these would be easy since my legs are bent – almost like doing push-ups on your knees, right?  NOT the case!!  This was hard!!!  But…gotta push myself if I’m ever going to get those one-arm push-ups done.  2nd push-up move this week!!!

Screen shot 2013-02-12 at 8.20.52 AMToday is my 150th day of 43s and blogging so I wanted to do something to celebrate!!

My idea of celebrating?  Running for  150 minutes!

I kept the incline at 1.0% and the pace between 7.5mph and 8.0mph.  (average speed ended up being 7.73mph or 7.47, I think)

19.41 miles!
19.41 miles!

Between the glare and the sweat marks it’s a little hard to see but the total distance was 19.41 miles.  My timer rolls over at 100 (that’s why it looks like only 50 minutes).

A lot of y’all look so cute when you run (and after!).  I just look like a nasty mess!

After 150 min  - nice!
After 150 min – nice!

So, now I’m off to soak my tired legs so they will be up for whatever tomorrow might bring!

Happy Tuesday!


Oh, yeah –  12th day of February = 12x 1 minute wall sits – DONE!!!



Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, It’s Off to the Doc I Go!

For my 43 today, I had Jordan take a couple of pictures yesterday since I knew it would be an early morning!  (However, I’m a complete dodo and set my alarm for 5:00 PM instead of AM – good thing I still woke up at 5:08!!!)

Anyway, the 43 would have been easy – a dead lift holding 15 pound dumbbells – but I decided to add an extra challenge:


Yep – I stood on the BOSU!!!

start (try to not slump those shoulders!!!)
start (try to not slump those shoulders!!!)

Standing still wasn’t too hard – the difficulty came when I started moving!!

I really do have my shoulders back - they just look schlumpy!
I really do have my shoulders back – they just look schlumpy!

I love the extra benefit of using the BOSU for this move!  (I can’t believe that this is the first time I’ve ever used it for dead lifts!!!)

stick that butt back
stick that butt back

Dead lifts are one of my favorite moves – I think because they are so great for my hamstrings and butt!!!

After the balancing act I moved on to the rest of my work-out.  Les Mills Combat – Combat 60 Ultimate Fighter!!!  Perfect way to start a Monday!!!  Other than my 11 wall-sits at 1 minute each, that is the extent of working out today.  Super big plans for tomorrow’s work-out!!!  One I’m really looking forward to!!!

Today is my yearly physical/well-check – WooHoo – Good Times for Sure!!!!  Actually, I’m sort-of glad because this getting older is really not working out like I thought!  I’m pretty sure my DR will be happy when I leave today cause I have quite a list of stuff to ask her about!!!  Sadly, I’m sure I will be wearing one of these lovely items:Screen shot 2013-02-11 at 7.51.41 AM


Can hardly wait for that – I hope I can leave my socks on so I don’t freeze. (Fashion is over-rated sometimes!!)

I’m sure that even with my list (just petty little things, really!) I will walk away and not see her again until next year!  (Rare for me to go to the DR other than for my physical – except when I crack my hip!!!)

Screen shot 2013-02-11 at 7.53.45 AM


Happy Monday!!!  (hopefully y’all have as much fun this morning as I know I will!)



Somedays are just made for Relaxing!!!

Today I convinced Jordan to do the demo for my 43 – it has been awhile since he has made an appearance on here!  (Maybe cause he’s 14 and too cool for this?!)

Anyway, the move was a push-up with one hand on my favorite piece of equipment!


Do a push-up then walk your hands over so that you switch hands on top and repeat.

[youtuber youtube=’’]

Jordan kept his feet in place but I think I moved mine a bit – either way is fine!!  I counted each push-up as 1 because I don’t think I could have done 43 on each side for a total of 86!!!  Maybe I should have tried since I’m still trying to build up to doing 1-armed push-ups!!!

Here is a picture of me on #36!

#36 - Hurry!! I'm dying here!!
#36 – Hurry!! I’m dying here!!

(You can see that I did walk my feet to make my body more of straight line.)

The rest of my work-out today – NOTHING!!!  I’m trying to take a day off most weeks (whether I want to or not!!!).

Maybe I will just spend the whole day relaxing – except for doing the laundry, cleaning some,  a quick trip to the grocery store after I plan out some meals for the week, making dinner…

Well, at least I’ve already done my wall sits for the day – 10x 1 minute each!

I pass the minutes with my phone!!! (plus I use the timer on my phone)
I pass the minutes with my phone!!!
(plus I use the timer on my phone)

Nice bed head!!!  Glad I can pass the time with my phone – sometimes a minute is really LONG!!!

Happy Sunday – hopefully everyone can relax for at least part of the day!!!Screen shot 2013-02-10 at 9.41.48 AMKim

Unlimited Potential

Today for the  43 I used my BOSU again!!!


Today I used it for cardio, balance and toning all at the same time!!!  I started by standing behind the dome, jumped onto it and squatted, jumped off the sides (straddle) into a squat, jumped back on and squatted then stepped off the back for 1 rep.

[youtuber youtube=’’]

The demo is painful (I could not get my balance!!).  I found during my actual 43 that if I kept my center of gravity lower (basically stayed in a partial squat) during the jumps, it was easier to stay balanced and do the squats.  I enjoyed this 43!!!

I also did Les Mills Combat – Power HIIT.  I’m not gonna lie – that work-out seems harder every time I do it!!!  Maybe because I know all the exercises and can really push hard the entire 30 minutes.  It has things like power press x 20 (which is actually 60 squats with shoulder presses) and I used 15 pound dumbbells for those today!!  Burpees with push-ups and up into 2 tuck jumps x about a million!  Fun stuff!!!

I wanted to really push myself (I think a couple of lazy days helped me kick my tiny illness and now I’m ready to go hard again!!!) so I decided to hop on my treadmill after the HIIT.  (15 degrees outside is way too cold for me to attempt an outdoor run!!!)

4 miles at 1.5 % incline   25:19    (+ an easy 2 total time 48:45)

  1. 7:48
  2. 6:32
  3. 5:46
  4. 5:13

It was hard but it felt good to push like that after my pathetic attempt outside the other day.  Hopefully it will warm up and I will get back out on the road again this week!!!

Last night on the Biggest Loser, the contestants ran a 5K.  Because I am a complete geek – I actually clapped for each of them as they crossed the finish line!!!  I love it when they (or anyone for that matter) really dig deep and push themselves to do something they thought was completely impossible!!!

Screen shot 2013-01-22 at 10.32.03 AM

I think we all have unlimited potential – we just have to dig deep to find it and then push ourselves to reach it!!!

This guy has the right idea:Screen shot 2013-01-21 at 5.44.41 PM

Yesterday was a big day for Hunter!!!

Hunter before braces - nice pic!
Hunter before braces – nice pic!
Hunter after braces
Hunter after braces

This morning he told me he is already ready to have them off.  Ummm…..soon (like 1.5-2 years!!!).  I think they make him look even older than he really is.

Happy Tuesday!!!



Jordan Shared his Sickie Germs with Me!

(Serious issues with my WordPress site today – not making me happy!!!)

Today I did a 43 and that is the extent of my work-out (maybe my entire day!)

I took my BOSU and turned it upside down like this:

upside down - pretty great tool
upside down – pretty great tool

Then, I used it for one of my favorite moves of all times:  Push-Ups!!!

[youtuber youtube=’’]

This was Jordan’s fist demo in awhile (since he was sick and a germ carrier!!!).  I counted each push-up as 1 rep so I did a total of 43 push-ups and 43 jumps!

Way to put your face on the disk!
Way to put your face on the disk!

Yesterday afternoon my throat started hurting (wah, wah…..) and today I can tell I’m not 100%.  Hopefully if I take it easy today (lay around and watch mindless TV!!!), I will be good as new by morning.  Hmmm..maybe I was already a little under the weather yesterday morning and that’s why I struggled so much during my run – That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!!!

Happy Birthday to my sister-in-law and super friend – Stacy!!!!!

Rockin' the Runner T!!!
Rockin’ the Runner T!!!

Making the  T-shirt from Cait look great!!  Super cute!!!  Have an awesome birthday, Stacy!!!  Wish we didn’t live so far away!

Happy Sunday!
