Category Archives: Butt

Fascinating Fun Friday!!

Part of the idea for today’s 43 came from Marcia who said curtsey lunges were one of her favorite exercises.  I paired the curtsey lunge up with a couple of other moves and got a nice little  43.

I did the curtsey lunge and while holding the lunge did a bicep curl (I used 10 pound DBs today) then I stood and lifted the back leg while squeezing my butt = 1 rep.

[youtuber youtube=’′]

Besides the fact that I nearly lost my balance during the demo – it was great!  This 43 was pretty challenging – my quads were burning and I got my heart rate up since it was upper and lower body combined!!!    43 on the 2nd leg was the real kicker!

At one point I stopped for a second to stretch and told Hunter that this was a hard one.  He said, “You can do it.  You’ve done all of them so far.”  So sweet!!  Of course, he didn’t look up from what he was doing at the time.  (This is one of his favorite morning activities before I take him to school – not filming me or even watching me sweat – learning new techniques with his cubes!!)

learning yet another method to solve one of the cubes!
learning yet another method to solve one of the cubes!

Thanks to Hunter and his encouragement, I made it through another 43!

Today I decided to do a low-impact type workout (especially after yesterday’s crazy Tabata madness!) since I have a super long run planned for tomorrow.  I pulled out an oldie – Denise Austin:  Fat-Blasing Yoga.  I don’t do yoga often but I have found a few DVDs that I really enjoy.  Angela just did a great post about the benefits of yoga for runners so I figured today was a good day for it.

I actually have a # of Denise Austin’s DVDs – sometimes I just follow along without the sound but she does have some really great workouts.  The yoga one is a nice mix of strength work and stretching.  At the end there is a 15 minute section that is primarily core using a stability ball.  It was a nice break from running, jumping….

real clothes don't happen often anymore!
real clothes don’t happen often anymore!

Yesterday I actually put on non-workout clothes!!!  Sad part was that it was to go to a funeral (a friend of mine lost her Dad this week).  Her dad served in the Navy during World War II and so at the cemetery they had the military service – 2 Navy men – salute as casket is carried up, Taps and the flag (unfold, refold then present it).  Military services always sort-of get to me.  Screen shot 2013-03-15 at 9.59.37 AMI told Chris that I never want someone to hand me that flag – so do what you need to do to make sure that doesn’t happen, OK?

Well, it is going to be Fun Friday!  Even though it is still in the 30s right now, we are supposed to get up to 80!!!  I can’t wait.

Chris is off today and the boys will be on Spring Break when they get home this afternoon.  I have a friend who is just starting to sell Origami Owl jewelry so I’m going to her party this afternoon.  And, it’s basketball tournament time!!!!  (Even though my teamScreen shot 2013-03-15 at 10.05.45 AMis already out – still love the tournament!)

Happy Fun Friday!!!


What’s Your Favorite Exercise or Move?

Today is my 180th consecutive day of the daily 43!!!  I’m enjoying my daily adventures and have so many ideas but I’m always looking for new things – please share any moves or exercises that you think would make a fun 43.  Thanks!!

For the 43 today I did a front-kick and back-kick combo.  (I already did a similar move except last time it was the same leg that kicked front & back.)  So,  today I did a right front kick and a left back kick for the first set of 43 and then switched and did a left front kick and right back kick for another 43.

[youtuber youtube=’′]

This was a good 43 after yesterday’s brutal one!!!

Today I tried another Cathe DVD – XTrain – Tabatacise!!  I did all 5 of the Tabatas and Bonus Core #1.  This workout is on my list of favorites (I know it’s a longish list but….)!  Even though the Tabatas are intense, the time flies by (especially the 10 second recovery!!).  If you like to jump – this workout is definitely for you!!!

(Tabata training is a form of HIIT – high intensity interval training.  It is a 4 minute segment consisting of 20 seconds of super high intensity followed by 10 seconds of recovery.)

Yesterday afternoon I convinced Chris and Jordan to try the 3 ball push-up.  Hunter was going to try but once he put his hands on the ball he realized that his wrist (he broke it the end of July) still wasn’t quite strong enough.

OK - I'm balanced - now what?
OK – I’m balanced – now what?

Chris did 10 (without falling off in between any of them!).

pretty good
pretty good

I think Jordan did 2 but he may have just done 1.  Either way – Good job, guys!!!

I really am open to ideas/suggestions for exercises – I love to try new moves or a classic move in a different way.  Feel free to send me links to some of your favorites!

Happy Thursday!


Proud Mama / Proud Wife

The 43 today was super “simple” but very effective!!!  I started on all 4s (hands & knees) then extended my right leg out to the side for leg circles.  I did 43 small circles to the front and another set of 43 circles to the back.  Then, I had to switch to my left side (OUCH!!!) and repeat the front & back circles!

[youtuber youtube=’’]

No equipment required – just find a small amount of space and start circling!

Today is a rest day (other than leg circles & my daily wall-sits).  And, about those wall-sits,  I think I will be happy when February is over!!   :happy:

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Actually, I’m fortunate because I have 2 boys that call me Mom!!

I am proud of both of my boys every day but sometimes I am completely  overwhelmed with pride.  Yesterday, Jordan participated in History Day for his school.

History Day Display - my sweet boy/man
History Day Display – my sweet boy/man

This is not for an assignment – just “extra” stuff.  It requires a lot of outside research and time to put everything together.   Jordan was willing to spend the time and put together a really great presentation!

Jordan & friends
Jordan & friends
Jordan & buddy (John)
Jordan & buddy (John)

Jordan didn’t place but it doesn’t matter – my heart is overflowing with pride!!!  (His friend John, won the category that he participated in and will advance to the State competition later in the spring!  Congrats, John!!)

And…look who is on the front page of the Topeka Capital Journal today!!!Chris

Chris, looking so serious!  (He is on the left.) Here is a better picture (I just snapped the one above from the actual paper).Chris

What a cutie!!

And, even though I didn’t put anything in here about Hunter, I’m equally proud of him!!

Happy Sunday – gonna go enjoy my crew!!!


It’s a Blizzard!!

7:30 am (snow started around 6:30 or 6:45 I think)

Snow day here is Kansas!!  (Actually, the city basically cancelled everything last night before the snow even started just based on the forecast – surprisingly the weather predictions were all true.)  Boys are out of school and the base even shut down so Chris is home!!!

For my 43 I went old school!!  I used my transfirmer step and did a “tall-box climb”

14" double step (the Transfirmer)
14″ double step (the Transfirmer)

while holding 12 pound dumbbells.  (This is a move that I got from the Firm DVDs – it is one of their signature moves.)  Standing behind the step, you step up with your right foot then your left foot and then step down with you right foot then left = 1 rep.

[youtuber youtube=’’]

I did 43 with my right leg leading and 43 with my left leg leading.  Great quad/butt work and my heart rate went up quit a bit (the weights really add to the move).

Then, while my legs were already a bit fatigued (21 x 1 minute wall-sits today + the tall-box climb!!!) I decided to start experimenting with a run-walk (more like jog-walk) pattern for my 50 mile race (in October).

For those who know me at all, walking is usually not part of my training.  Actually, I don’t like to jog that much either – I just want to run!!  However, I know that if I don’t train correctly and just go into the race like an idiot it won’t be pretty.  I know that running and walking use the leg muscles differently and I want to have lots of experience going back and forth between the 2 before October.

Today I started with a 10 minute jog followed by a 5 minute walk.  After 2 sets of that I decided that I don’t want to walk half the time.  I switched to a 7.5 minute jog with a 2.5 minute walk for the next half hour.  I think I might like that pattern.  Over the next few months I will start training for several hours at a time like that and see.

I also need to play around with my hydration and eating.  I’m pretty much a water only drinker (except my evening happy hour!) so I need to try some of the electrolyte drinks.  Screen shot 2013-02-21 at 10.49.28 AM Screen shot 2013-02-21 at 10.49.48 AM

So many choices!!!  And I have never really been one to fuel while running – I know it’s not good to go hours without anything but I do!  I’m going to have to play around with all the options for snacks, too!

Screen shot 2013-02-21 at 10.50.02 AM


My preference would beScreen shot 2013-02-21 at 10.51.14 AMHigh school track meets I lived on Hershey bars and oranges!!  It was great!! (or maybe not that great but…)

Anyway, I figure I better get some of this figured out between now and mid-October!

Here is a fun little snow video if you like snow (me – not so much!!).

[youtuber youtube=’’]

(That would be Jordan and I talking during it!)

same shot as the 7:30 at about 10:30
snow is slowing down!!

I know y’all are jealous if you don’t have snow like this!  I’m in hibernation mode till it stops and the roads are clear!!

back deck

The back deck shows how much it has drifted in some places!  Good thing we don’t need to get out there for any reason.

Happy Thursday!!  Happy snow day!


Steppin’ Out

Screen shot 2013-02-17 at 9.32.36 AM

I try to change up my daily 43s and use different equipment (or maybe no equipment) and work different muscles in a variety of ways.  Sometimes, when I pick the move of the day I think it may or may not really be a good one.  Today was one of those days that I thought – “This will just be a wimpy little thing and might not really count as a 43.”

Well, I was wrong!!!  It turned out to be a great 43.  I used my Turbo Fire band:

Turbo Fire Band
Turbo Fire Band

This time I stepped on it with both feet and then crossed it in front of my legs before holding the handles at my waist.  Then, I did step-outs.  On my right side, I did  43 to the side, then 43 on a diagonal to the front and another 43 on a diagonal to the back.  (129 on each side!)

[youtuber youtube=’′]

Of course, I had to repeat the whole series on the left side!  All I can say is – OUCH!!!  This was a great way to really burn out my hips and outer thighs!! Plus, I kept my stationary leg slightly bent so I really loaded my quads!! Overall, a great 43!!!

Today is my rest day – some weeks I hate taking any rest days but this week I’m ready for one!  I know it will make my work-outs next week that much better (and more enjoyable!).

Screen shot 2013-02-17 at 9.32.56 AMI  think that  working out is definitely a  habit for me and I’m afraid that if I let myself get too comfortable taking days off, then the days off will increase and  will turn into a habit!!!  Maybe a bizarre way of thinking but…..a lot of my rationale for things is a little wonky!!

Menu planning – do you do it???  I love looking at recipes, online and in cookbooks, but sometimes I feel like this:Screen shot 2013-02-17 at 9.25.05 AMI try to come up with a semi-plan for the week (actually a couple of weeks at a time since I usually only do a huge grocery run every 2-3 weeks).  I usually pick out 1 or 2 cookbooks and go through and make a list of the things  I want to make during the next couple of weeks.  I make my grocery list as I go.  Then each morning I decide what  to make for dinner knowing  that we already have all of the necessary ingredients.  This method works for me and because of it I always try new recipes.

CookbooksWhich is good since I have a few cookbooks!!!  (I might have an addiction!!!)Cookbooks

I have a few stand-by recipes but for the most part I make new stuff all the time.  The only downside is when Chris asks me to make something that I made  months ago – I usually have no idea where I found the recipe or what dish he is even talking about!!

So, what is your menu planning/cooking like??  Do you have a rotation of dishes you rely on or do you like to experiment with new recipes?

Happy Sunday!!!
