Category Archives: Push-Ups

Shorts in January = Happy, Happy, Happy!!!

Today’s 43 was HARD!!  It was a push-up using 4 medicine balls.Medicine Balls

(Mine aren’t all the same size but it works out OK!)  I have 2 – 8 pound balls that are the same size, 1 – 9 pound ball and another 8 pound ball with handles.

The first challenge with this move is trying to balance yourself on the 4 balls – each hand and foot gets a ball!  Then – do the push-up!

[youtuber youtube=’’]

I managed to get through all 43 but I had to stop and stretch about 5 times!  Of course, each stretch break meant I had to rebalance myself!  Fun!!  (BTW – I got this move from P90X2.)

After the push-up fun, I did Les Mills Combat Combat 60 – Ultimate Fighter.  I love how hard I feel like I’ve worked when this one is done!  I was going to try one of my new Zuzka (from Body Rock) DVDs – I did about 10 minutes and then decided that it was crazy not to take advantage of the warmer weather and go out for a run.

Shorts – I ran in shorts!!!!  January 28 in Kansas and I ran in shorts!!!  I can’t even begin to describe how happy that makes me!  (It is supposed to get to 70 today but even the 50 that I just ran in was AWESOME!!!)

I only did an easy 2.1 miles (8:00 min/pace).  It wasn’t really about running hard – just enjoying the gorgeous day!

Screen shot 2013-01-27 at 1.56.53 PMI saw this ecard and thought it was funny (with some truth even though I don’t actually count calories)!!!  I’m pretty sure if I have saw how many burpees it would take to burn off some of favorite things I might quit having them – Nah, I would probably just quit reading the label!!!

Happy Monday – I hope everyone has beautiful weather to enjoy!



Jordan Shared his Sickie Germs with Me!

(Serious issues with my WordPress site today – not making me happy!!!)

Today I did a 43 and that is the extent of my work-out (maybe my entire day!)

I took my BOSU and turned it upside down like this:

upside down - pretty great tool
upside down – pretty great tool

Then, I used it for one of my favorite moves of all times:  Push-Ups!!!

[youtuber youtube=’’]

This was Jordan’s fist demo in awhile (since he was sick and a germ carrier!!!).  I counted each push-up as 1 rep so I did a total of 43 push-ups and 43 jumps!

Way to put your face on the disk!
Way to put your face on the disk!

Yesterday afternoon my throat started hurting (wah, wah…..) and today I can tell I’m not 100%.  Hopefully if I take it easy today (lay around and watch mindless TV!!!), I will be good as new by morning.  Hmmm..maybe I was already a little under the weather yesterday morning and that’s why I struggled so much during my run – That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!!!

Happy Birthday to my sister-in-law and super friend – Stacy!!!!!

Rockin' the Runner T!!!
Rockin’ the Runner T!!!

Making the  T-shirt from Cait look great!!  Super cute!!!  Have an awesome birthday, Stacy!!!  Wish we didn’t live so far away!

Happy Sunday!


Happy Monday!!!!

The 43 today was hard for me!!!  I had to modify it in order to  finish all 43 – but we all know that making a modification is better than sacrificing form!!!

The move – a push-up with a clap.  (Now do you feel my pain?!)  The push-up alone – great!  Add in the clap – uh, what???  I did the first 13 on my toes and the next 30 on my knees.  Still got to 43 and by dropping to my knees I was still able to perform a full push-up  so I still consider it a success!!

Special guest for the video:

[youtuber youtube=’’]

Thanks, Chris!!!  (BTW – did you notice how many he did? 9!!!  + 1 more after the video)  He said, “No way am I doing 43!!!”  Umm…that’s cause you’re 44 – get busy!!!!  I think he left it at 10!!!  10 is much better than 0!!!

Today was another day of fun with Les Mills Combat!!!  I did the Combat 30 work-out again.  I’m really enjoying it now that I have done it a few times and know all the moves!!

After Combat I did something that I don’t do nearly enough of – a stretching DVD!!!  I did the Turbo Fire Stretch and it felt good.  I have a hard time making myself take the time to really stretch very often – I know I need it!!  Gotta work on doing that much more frequently!!

Even cats need a good stretch!!!
Even cats need a good stretch!!!

More time stretching – on the list!!!

I saw this yesterday and thought it was appropriate (at least in my world)!!!

Screen shot 2013-01-13 at 12.45.05 PM

Gotta get ready to head to the library (might be my last full day!!!).  Jordan will be home – still sick!  Hopefully he will be much better when he gets up today – I’m sure the fact that he has had these

Onions to the Rescue!!!
Onions to the Rescue!!!

in the room with him will make a huge difference!!!  (or not – but it can’t hurt, right?)

Happy Monday!



Love the Feeling AFTER you Complete a Brutal Work-Out!!!

Today’s 43 is one that I have put off for almost a week!!  Hunter helped me make the demo last Wednesday before we all went back to school.  Last night I decided that today would be the day!!!  (I know that intro makes all y’all want to read more so that you can hurry up and do the exercise!!!)

The move:

  • burpee with push-up
  • jump up to squat
  • in squat jump and turn 180 degrees
  • burpee with push-up
  • jump up to squat
  • in squat jump and turn 180 degrees (to start)

The above is 1 rep!!!  To complete my 43, I actually had to do 86 burpees, 86 push-ups, and 86 squat-jump-turns!!!  Painful!!!

[youtuber youtube=’’]

I actually broke this 43 into groups of 5 – after each set I took about a 30 second break – cheating?  Maybe –  but necessary to complete all of these with good form!  (all push-ups on toes!)

For the rest of my work-out I decided to go with another day of Les Mills Combat.  I like to follow the guide the first time through a program so the next work-out was Power HIIT 1.  (a disclaimer – I’m not a lawyer – obviously!!!) Screen shot 2013-01-08 at 7.11.55 AMThat saying was running through my head as I did this new (to me) work-out.  The first part was strength – not too bad.  The second half – at least 30 more burpees with push-ups and squat jumps – REALLY????  Then….the Les Mills crew challenged us to add a tuck jump after each burpee!!!  (I stuck to the squat jumps today!)

BRUTAL in every way – but I did it!!!!!Screen shot 2013-01-08 at 7.08.04 AM

I might have looked a little like this dude when I finished – a wet, limp noodle!!!  However, I showered and got ready for another day at the library – rockin’ another pair of boots today so it’s all good!!Screen shot 2013-01-08 at 6.55.47 AM


Today is my niece, Bailey’s, birthday!!  A huge birthday shout-out!!!Screen shot 2013-01-08 at 7.19.03 AM

Bailey, I hope today is awesome!!!  Maybe Tim (her dad – my twin brother) will get you a car!!!  Happy Birthday!!!

Happy Tuesday (or Happy Birthday if today happens to be your birthday!)!!


Hooray for Another Family Day!!!

Chris decided to take a day of leave and hang out with us today!!!  Yippee!  Then he only has to work Thursday and Friday this week – not too bad.  I love it when we all hang out together!

For my 43 today (Chris said he didn’t stay home to do 43 of anything – weird – I figured he would like this one!), I wanted to do some type of push-ups.  Plyo!!!  Jordan likes to do push-up demos usually but today he wasn’t totally into it (too much Christmas, maybe!).

[youtuber youtube=’′]

I asked him to record me doing a couple – he said only if I still used his video – of course!!!

[youtuber youtube=’’]

I wasn’t sure if I would be able to do all 43 on my toes or not.  I made it!!!  I did stop and stretch several times, though. That little jump is no joke!!!

Last night, a new friend (one of our neighbor’s daughters – in town for Christmas), text and asked if she could come over this morning to work out.  Yes!!!  Always fun to have a work-out partner.  I pulled out a favorite – Les Mills Combat.  Because of the stress fracture and DR rules, I haven’t done this in 3+ weeks – ahhhhh – so great today!!!  Erin liked it to.  We both got in a great work-out and had fun!!!

Our Christmas day was perfect.  We had plenty of time to relax and enjoy each other.  Last night we played games, ate (way too much) and hung out – awesome!!!

Chris did a great job with the turkey:

Frying the turkey!!!
Frying the turkey!!!

Everyone had fun at dinner, I think.

Ready to dig in!
Ready to dig in!

Good news – plenty of left-overs so I don’t need to cook today!!!  More time with my boys!!!

Happy Wednesday!
