Tag Archives: sweet sixteen

Love the Feeling AFTER you Complete a Brutal Work-Out!!!

Today’s 43 is one that I have put off for almost a week!!  Hunter helped me make the demo last Wednesday before we all went back to school.  Last night I decided that today would be the day!!!  (I know that intro makes all y’all want to read more so that you can hurry up and do the exercise!!!)

The move:

  • burpee with push-up
  • jump up to squat
  • in squat jump and turn 180 degrees
  • burpee with push-up
  • jump up to squat
  • in squat jump and turn 180 degrees (to start)

The above is 1 rep!!!  To complete my 43, I actually had to do 86 burpees, 86 push-ups, and 86 squat-jump-turns!!!  Painful!!!

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtBPSB1xiDo’]

I actually broke this 43 into groups of 5 – after each set I took about a 30 second break – cheating?  Maybe –  but necessary to complete all of these with good form!  (all push-ups on toes!)

For the rest of my work-out I decided to go with another day of Les Mills Combat.  I like to follow the guide the first time through a program so the next work-out was Power HIIT 1.  (a disclaimer – I’m not a lawyer – obviously!!!) Screen shot 2013-01-08 at 7.11.55 AMThat saying was running through my head as I did this new (to me) work-out.  The first part was strength – not too bad.  The second half – at least 30 more burpees with push-ups and squat jumps – REALLY????  Then….the Les Mills crew challenged us to add a tuck jump after each burpee!!!  (I stuck to the squat jumps today!)

BRUTAL in every way – but I did it!!!!!Screen shot 2013-01-08 at 7.08.04 AM

I might have looked a little like this dude when I finished – a wet, limp noodle!!!  However, I showered and got ready for another day at the library – rockin’ another pair of boots today so it’s all good!!Screen shot 2013-01-08 at 6.55.47 AM


Today is my niece, Bailey’s, birthday!!  A huge birthday shout-out!!!Screen shot 2013-01-08 at 7.19.03 AM

Bailey, I hope today is awesome!!!  Maybe Tim (her dad – my twin brother) will get you a car!!!  Happy Birthday!!!

Happy Tuesday (or Happy Birthday if today happens to be your birthday!)!!
