Category Archives: Thighs

Keep it Real!!

I started the 43 today thinking I wanted to do some standing ab/core work.  The move I picked did work my obliques some (and my core because of the balance involved) but it mostly targeted my hips and outer thighs (which can always use more work!).  After the first 10-12 I realized why they were hurting (hydrant kicks yesterday, duh!!!) – OOPS!!!  I usually try not to target the same muscle group 2 days in a row with the 1000s of choices I have – oh well!!!

Screen shot 2013-02-05 at 8.19.48 AMAnyway, back to the 43!!  I did a standing leg extension (to the side).  I started like this:


(the goofy hand pose is mandatory!!).  Then I lifted my right leg straight to the side – held a second – and lowered.  I tried not to touch the floor between every rep (had to tap it occasionally in order not to fall on my face!).

take the picture already!
take the picture already!

After doing 43 with my right leg and really feeling it in both hips, I had to got to switch sides and do another 43 with my left leg.

both sides need to be treated fairly!
both sides need to be treated fairly!

(At least I have an awesome  T-shirt from the super talented Cait!!!)

Today was a fun work-out day because it involved my favorite (so far anyway!) Les Mills Combat DVD – Combat 60 Ultimate Fighter!  I like that the work-out is an hour, it keeps my heart rate up, works legs and arms as well as cardio and the time flies by.

One thing I really like about the the Les Mills Combat program is the motivation and tips they provide.  And today at the end of today’s work-out they said – KEEP IT REAL!!!

I love that saying!!!  It is one of the sayings I try to live by.  With me, what you see is what you get!!!  Whether I’m working out, buying groceries, subbing, blogging (my own or commenting on others) or just hanging out with my family = I’m just the same ol’ person! I’m just me!

And on that note – another fun ecard (cause while the card is humorous and a bit extreme,   I’m just keeping it real!!!).

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Happy Tuesday – keep it real!!!


5th day of February = 5x 1 minute wall sits – Done!!

Wednesday – Take 2

Another day, another 43!!!  Today I used a stability ball and did leg circles.  Don’t be fooled into thinking this was a fluff move – it was NOT!!!

Leg CirclesI did 43 front circles and then 43 back circles with the same leg.  My hip was dying!!!!   After a quick stretch, I switched sides and repeated 2 sets of 43.

don't let the smile fool you - this hurt!
don’t let the smile fool you – this hurt!

I sort-of played around with my foot position and found that when I flexed my foot it really increased the burn in my hip/thigh – WooHoo!!!

After the 43 today I had to spend about 3 minutes stretching out my hips before I could move on to my work-out!  Running day!!!!  (Treadmill because it was 5:30am, dark, cold and snowy!)

I did 9 miles in 58:50 at a 1.5% incline.  Then I did 2 more miles at an easy pace to cool down.  The running is feeling good – my hip feels pretty good.  My left achilles is very sore but I have had problems with it for years and starting back into hard running again I sort of except it to hurt.  Lots of stretching!!!

Monday it was 75 degrees and sunny and gorgeous.  Today it is 20 something, dreary and looks like thisSnowSnowCrazy how different the weather can be in such a short amount of time!!!

I guess I was a day ahead of myself yesterday morning when I wrote my blog – I ended with “Happy Wednesday!”  Oops – I don’t know why I felt the need to skip Tuesday – usually a pretty good day – oh, well. Today will be a do-over Wednesday!!!

I know that we aren’t the healthiest eaters around – we do pretty good but we also like pasta, lots of meat, bread, probably don’t always get enough veggies.  But fruit…..I like to have it daily:

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OK – that might be a tad extreme since I actually still eat (meat and carbs!!!) but it made me laugh!!!

Happy Wednesday!



Sometimes People Baffle Me!

For my 43 today, I used my Turbo Fire band to do some leg abductions.

Turbo Fire Band
Turbo Fire Band

Trust me when I say, my hips and outer thighs were dying before I finished my work-out.  I started by stepping on the band and crossing it in front of me as shown below.

ready to work those hips and thighs!
ready to work those hips and thighs!

I did 43 leg abductions with my right leg, 43 alternating leg abductions, 43 left leg abductions and ended with 43 alternating leg abductions = FIRE!!!!!

[youtuber youtube=’’]

The demo was different – sets of 5 – just to show what I did!  You can see that the band made it hard to lift my leg very high – all the better to really work those thighs!!!

Today I’m still a little draggy but thought a good work-out would help!  I did Les Mills Combat, Combat 60 – Extreme Cardio Fighter.  I really like work-outs that are at least an hour long and this was a good one.  I think it is like the others in the program – I will be able to really increase the intensity when I get all the moves down!

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I’m typically one of those people that believe people are inherently good.  Every once in awhile, someone proves me very wrong!  This weekend was one of those times.  Some complete idiot decided to hack my blog – WHY?????  I’m not sure why hacking into my little blog would give anyone satisfaction but apparently some people enjoy making other’s lives difficult.  Oh well – I think Chris got it all fixed yesterday.  Thanks, Babe!!!!

Screen shot 2013-01-21 at 9.27.09 AMI figured I would continue with the idiot theme!  Actually, I just thought this was funny (cause most of the time I am the idiot!!!).

I almost forgot – here is something to show how good people can be.  Aspaeris (they have the cool compression shorts) is running a promo through the end of the month – 60% off with promo code FROSTYRUN.

Happy Monday!!! (Holiday for our family – everyone is home – WooHoo!!!)


It’s Monday – Let’s Do This!!!

Today the daily 43 was bright and early!!!  This one was actually fairly easy – yea!!!  (gotta have that every once in awhile in order to really appreciate the big challenges!!!)

The move today was a plie squat – on your toes the entire time!!!  My calves and inner thighs will thank me later!

I feel like a dork!
I feel like a dork!
What do I do with my hands??
What do I do with my hands??

Thanks, Jordan! (you don’t look like a dork at all!!!)  I tried to make sure that I kept all of my weight in my butt and centered (not leaning forward).  Fun 43!

Back before Christmas, I got my newest work-out program in the mail – Les Mills Combat.  I didn’t start right away because I really have been trying to let my stress fracture heal even if I occasionally most of the time, bend the rules!  However, yesterday, I read a review over at Melinda’s Fitness Blog and decided that I couldn’t wait any longer!!!

This morning I went through the Basic DVD – mostly just an intro and learning proper technique for all of the punches, kicks, etc.  Then I did Combat 30: Kick Start.  I did enjoy it but I think I will like it even more after I do it a couple of times so that I don’t miss anything!  Should be a really great program – looking forward to getting some of my cardio groove back!!!

Biggest Loser


I’m so excited about the new season of Biggest Loser!!!  One of my favorite shows ever!  Especially with my favorite trainer!


soooo happy she is back!!!
soooo happy she is back!!!

Well – I’m off to start a busy week!!!  Hopefully it is a great week for y’all!

Happy Monday!!


PS – in case any one wondered (or cared – or even thought about it!!) – through all of the plastic bin schlepping, tree untrimming, shelves crashing and shelf building – I didn’t break a single nail!!!!  Success and happiness!!!


Epic Camera Fail

Today I thought I would give my upper body a little break with the 43 and do a leg exercise.  (It has been hard to come up with non-weight bearing moves that still offer a challenge for my lower body!!!)

I took one of my Pilates moves and turned it into the 43.  I did a leg lift that included complete range of motion.

  • Lie on left side – body in a straight line – propped on left elbow
  • Point right toes and place it slightly in front of left foot
  • Lift right leg straight in the air
  • Flex right foot and lower leg behind left foot
  • Point toes and raise right leg in the air
  • Flex foot and lower in front of left leg

The above is 1 rep.  This move should be performed in a smooth, controlled manner. And, of course, I did 43 with my right leg and 43 with my left leg!

[youtuber youtube=’’]

(I left my socks on because my feet get cold!!!)

After working my legs – and I felt it for sure – I decided to work on my plank hold again.   I did another 3 minute plank – I’m not sure I will ever be able to hold it longer than that.  (makes my wrists hurt)

Last night was Hunter’s cello bash (and by bash I mean LONG concert – good but LONG – like 2.5 hours!) and I had big plans to post a video of him playing his duet.  Ummm….apparently, if you don’t charge your camera battery in advance then you get a message that says – battery exhausted.  I tried using my iPhone but I couldn’t zoom in and  blah, blah, blah – no video to share.

Here is a close rendition!

[youtuber youtube=’’]

Oh, maybe not – but he did a great job as did all of the cellists last night!

Tonight we are going to our first Hanukkah party – I’m very excited!!  Love to learn new things!

Happy Saturday!
