Snow day here is Kansas!! (Actually, the city basically cancelled everything last night before the snow even started just based on the forecast – surprisingly the weather predictions were all true.) Boys are out of school and the base even shut down so Chris is home!!!
For my 43 I went old school!! I used my transfirmer step and did a “tall-box climb”

while holding 12 pound dumbbells. (This is a move that I got from the Firm DVDs – it is one of their signature moves.) Standing behind the step, you step up with your right foot then your left foot and then step down with you right foot then left = 1 rep.
[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrfAA0wYeeM’]
I did 43 with my right leg leading and 43 with my left leg leading. Great quad/butt work and my heart rate went up quit a bit (the weights really add to the move).
Then, while my legs were already a bit fatigued (21 x 1 minute wall-sits today + the tall-box climb!!!) I decided to start experimenting with a run-walk (more like jog-walk) pattern for my 50 mile race (in October).
For those who know me at all, walking is usually not part of my training. Actually, I don’t like to jog that much either – I just want to run!! However, I know that if I don’t train correctly and just go into the race like an idiot it won’t be pretty. I know that running and walking use the leg muscles differently and I want to have lots of experience going back and forth between the 2 before October.
Today I started with a 10 minute jog followed by a 5 minute walk. After 2 sets of that I decided that I don’t want to walk half the time. I switched to a 7.5 minute jog with a 2.5 minute walk for the next half hour. I think I might like that pattern. Over the next few months I will start training for several hours at a time like that and see.
I also need to play around with my hydration and eating. I’m pretty much a water only drinker (except my evening happy hour!) so I need to try some of the electrolyte drinks.
So many choices!!! And I have never really been one to fuel while running – I know it’s not good to go hours without anything but I do! I’m going to have to play around with all the options for snacks, too!
My preference would beHigh school track meets I lived on Hershey bars and oranges!! It was great!! (or maybe not that great but…)
Anyway, I figure I better get some of this figured out between now and mid-October!
Here is a fun little snow video if you like snow (me – not so much!!).
[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IR41H4pFxLE’]
(That would be Jordan and I talking during it!)

snow is slowing down!!
I know y’all are jealous if you don’t have snow like this! I’m in hibernation mode till it stops and the roads are clear!!

The back deck shows how much it has drifted in some places! Good thing we don’t need to get out there for any reason.
Happy Thursday!! Happy snow day!